GP practices

A suite of information for GP partners, practice managers and doctors to use to ensure your practice is compliant and delivering the best patient care.

GP practice article illustration

Additional GP guidance and resources

COVID 19 Illustration

View our guidance on vaccine and immunisation program

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Get involved
Primary care networks

Learn more about PCNs and how they work

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Wellbeing Article Illustration
BMA support services for GP practices

Find out how we can support your practice

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NHS Structure Article Illustration
The CQC (Care Quality Commission)

Read about what the CQC do and how to prepare for a CQC inspection

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About Us Article Illustration
Communication with patients

Find out about the accessible information standard, receiving gifts from patients and publishing GP net earnings

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Contract Article Illustration
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Employer Advisory Service Illustration
Partnership agreements

Read our practical guidance on taking on new partners and GP partnership agreements

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