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SAS pay progression As a SAS doctor, progressing through the pay scales will mean meeting specific requirements outlined in two thresholds, as well as a collection of evidence to further support your progression. BMA guidance Wednesday 1 June 2022
SAS committee UK overview The SASC (specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors committee) represents SAS doctors across the UK. Its priorities include SAS development, and recognition and autonomy, with policy set at the annual SAS doctors conference. BMA committee
The SAS charter The SAS charter was created by the BMA and NHS employers to help SAS doctors with their development and provide opportunities in their workplace. BMA guidance
Pay remains the same between SAS contracts BMA Wales has secured a commitment on pay rates of specialty doctors who opt to switch to the 2021 specialty doctor contract. News Thursday 4 November 2021
Majority of doctors say the way PAs and AAs work is a risk to patient safety Hundreds write to their MPs as government set to legislate for GMC regulation of roles News Wednesday 13 December 2023
Improving pay for SAS doctors in England SAS doctors in England have accepted the latest Government offer. Learn more about our commitment to fair pay, fully valued for all SAS doctors. BMA campaign Wednesday 15 May 2024
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