Surviving medical school

Congratulations on earning your place at medical school. Take a look at our tips for getting through that first year of medical school and beyond.

Join the BMA and membership is free for your first year.

Head and mortarboard article illustration

Every student needs support at some point in their studies.

Whatever your needs, our personalised services and community of fellow medical students will be there to support you throughout your career. 


'Dear medical student'

On the behalf of medical students around the UK, we asked our membership - ‘what one piece of advice would have helped you most at medical school?’. 

In 'Dear medical student', we have collected all the advice we received from members only too happy to offer the perspective and experience of medical school.

Download the book


Choosing a medical specialty

Get help with making an informed choice about what kind of doctor you would like to be. Specialty explorer is a tool for BMA members that matches you with medical specialties that suit your preferences.

Use Specialty explorer


Get your stethoscope

Welcome to our 2024 BMA offer. New BMA student members reciece a welcome to 2024 BMA offer from Medisave. In your welcome pack you will receive a voucher with a code in the top right, you can use this to redeem the offer.

What you get with the offer:

  • Discounted stethoscope
  • Free engraving
  • Free Medisave ECG ruler
  • Free Medisave 5 in 1 stylus pen
  • Free delivery
  • Access to the Littmann Learning App

Order yours now


Get involved

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Not a member?

We need to stand together for doctors and the NHS, and we can only do that with you.

Join the BMA and membership is free for your first year.

Join now