
Our ethics guidance advises on the legal and ethical issues which you may encounter in your professional clinical practice.

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Core ethics

Core ethics guidance

This resource provides core ethics guidance for all doctors and medical students.   BMA guidance
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Approaching an ethical question

How to approach an ethical question

This resource provides guidance on understanding how to recognise and approach a situation that raises ethical issues BMA guidance

Doctor patient relationship

Doctor patient relationship

This toolkit provides guidance on understanding the doctor-patient relationship and the type of dilemmas that can arise BMA guidance

Medical students

Ethics toolkit for medical students

This toolkit gives medical students an introduction to common ethical problems they may encounter and practical ways of thinking to help solve issues. BMA guidance

Confidentiality and health records

Confidentiality and health records toolkit

This toolkit is your starting point when considering sharing confidential information. It covers sharing confidential information for the direct care of your individual patient and sharing for other reasons. BMA guidance

Confidentiality and crimes related to abortion

This guidance provides advice to doctors who may be uncertain about their obligations to respect confidentiality when they know, or suspect, that a patient has unlawfully attempted to end their pregnancy. BMA guidance

Retention of health records

How long should patient medical records be kept retained? Here we set out tables of types of records and the length of time they should be kept according to national guidance on NHS records management. BMA guidance

Access to health records

How to handle requests, including subject access requests, requests from third parties such as insurers and the police and requests for records of deceased patients. BMA guidance

Patients recording consultations

Our guidance advises on whether  patients can record doctors without permission or covertly, how to respond when a patient asks to record their appointment and what to do if a covert recording is posted online. BMA guidance

Requests for medical information from insurers

We cover what you need to know when dealing with requests from insurance companies - principles to follow, subject access requests and electronic signatures. BMA guidance

Sharing electronic patient records for direct patient care

The following principles are to support GP practices considering how to share patient records with other healthcare organisations. BMA guidance

GDPR privacy notices for GP practices

Posters you can use in your GP practice to notify patients about how you handle their data. BMA guidance

GPs as data controllers under UK GDPR

GP data controllers' responsibilities under the UK GDPR, the main themes of the legislation and ensuring compliance. The guidance should be read alongside the UK Data Protection Act 2018. BMA guidance

Giving patients access to medical reports

Steps for doctors to take when a patient asks to see their medical reports. BMA guidance

Appointing a data protection officer (DPO)

We give guidance on how to appoint a data protection officer in a GP practice to comply with GDPR, who they are and what they do. BMA guidance

Doctors' responsibilities with anti-radicalisation strategy

Explaining the doctors' role in the Prevent training programme to counter terrorism and how it affects confidentiality and consent. BMA guidance

NHSX data strategy briefing

We summarise the key themes and priorities in the 2021 strategy from NHSX 'Data saves lives: reshaping health and care with data'. The strategy looks at how improved data storing and processes will bring together the NHS and social care. BMA report

Adults who lack capacity

Taking blood specimens from incapacitated drivers

Guidance for doctors from the British Medical Association and the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine. BMA guidance

Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration

This guidance provides detailed practical advice on the issues you might encounter when making a decision to stop, start, or continue CANH for adults who lack capacity. BMA guidance

Needlestick injuries and blood-borne viruses

Guidance on what to do in situations where the patient lacks the capacity to consent to testing for blood-borne viruses, when a health professional has sustained needlestick injury. BMA guidance

Mental Capacity in England and Wales

This toolkit acts as a guide to doctors in England and Wales when they are providing care and treatment for people who lack, or who may lack, the mental capacity to make decisions on their own behalf. BMA guidance

Mental capacity in Northern Ireland

This toolkit acts as a guide to doctors in Northern Ireland when they are providing care and treatment for people who lack, or may lack, the mental capacity to make decisions on their own behalf. BMA guidance

Adults with incapacity in Scotland

This toolkit acts as a guide to doctors in Scotland when they are providing care and treatment for people who lack, or may lack, the mental capacity to make decisions on their own behalf. BMA guidance

Best interests decision-making for adults who lack capacity toolkit

This toolkit provides practical guidance to assist doctors in making decisions in the best interests of adults who lack capacity in England and Wales. BMA guidance

Deprivation of liberty safeguards

The most important points for health professionals to consider if a deprivation of liberty has taken, or is taking, place and a checklist to assess the situation. BMA guidance

Consent and refusal by adults with decision-making capacity

This toolkit provides guidance on when and how to seek consent for treatment and research from adults with decision-making capacity and the ethical and legal principles that apply. BMA guidance


Adult safeguarding toolkit

This toolkit is about the doctor's role in safeguarding adults who may be at risk of abuse or neglect. BMA guidance

Domestic abuse

Raising awareness of domestic abuse and strategies for doctors to identify and reduce the damage it does. BMA report

Adults at risk, confidentiality and disclosure of information

This guidance sets out the current legal and ethical position on disclosure of information relating to adults who retain capacity but may be subject to some form of duress. BMA guidance

End of life

Physician assisted dying

The BMA adopted a neutral position on PAD (physician-assisted dying) at the annual meeting in September 2021. Read more about PAD, the survey we did and the BMA’s views.

Organ donation

The BMA has long advocated a 'soft' opt-out system for organ donation across the UK. BMA campaign

Decisions relating to CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

Joint guidance from the BMA, Resuscitation Council (UK) and Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on decisions about CPR – including decisions not to attempt CPR. BMA guidance

Responding to patient requests for assisted dying

Ethical principles for doctors to consider when a patient makes a request to, or makes it known they will, end their life. BMA guidance

Personal ethics

Transparency for doctors with competing interests

Guidance on when competing interests arise in medicine. BMA guidance

Ethics of social media use

Social media can be a great resource for doctors. But it's not without its risks. This guidance outlines some of the benefits and risks involved in using social media, helping you use it safely and ethically. BMA guidance

The ethics of taking industrial action as a doctor

This guidance explains the legal right of doctors to strike and the ethical factors they may wish to consider when deciding whether to take part in industrial action. BMA guidance

Children and young people

Children and young people under 16

This toolkit sets out the legal and ethical factors doctors need to consider when providing care and treatment for children and young people under 16, such as consent, refusal of treatment, and confidentiality. BMA guidance

Treating 16 and 17-year-olds in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

This toolkit sets out the legal and ethical factors doctors need to consider when providing care and treatment for young people aged 16 and 17 years old in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, such as consent, refusal of treatment, and confidentiality. BMA guidance

Treating 16 and 17-year-olds in Scotland

This toolkit sets out the legal and ethical factors doctors need to consider when providing care and treatment for young people aged 16 and 17 years old in Scotland, such as consent, refusal of treatment, and confidentiality. BMA guidance

Refugees, overseas visitors and vulnerable migrants

Refugee and asylum seeker patient health toolkit

Do you treat patients who are refugees or asylum seekers? Find out more about their specific health needs and how to overcome common barriers. BMA guidance

BMA view on charging overseas visitors

We have been consistently critical of charging overseas visitors for NHS care, which we believe has a negative impact on both patients and doctors. BMA views

Access to healthcare for overseas visitors

Doctors' roles and responsibilities when treating overseas visitors, particularly in regard to charging. BMA guidance


The law and ethics of abortion

Information on the law and ethics of abortion and BMA policy, including decriminalisation. BMA views

Working in conflicts and emergencies

Ethics toolkit for armed forces doctors

How to best fulfill your ethical obligations when making difficult decisions while working as a doctor in the armed forces. BMA guidance

Working in conflicts and emergencies toolkit

To prepare humanitarian health professionals with the ethical dilemmas they may face when working in conflicts. BMA guidance

Working in detention settings

The doctor's role in restraint in custodial settings

This guidance was developed to assist doctors as they navigate their ethical and legal responsibilities in circumstances where restraint or control is used. BMA guidance

Solitary confinement and children and young people

Read our position statement on solitary confinement, which calls for an end to its use on young people and provides guidance for doctors. BMA guidance

The doctor's role in the youth secure estate

This report explores the role of doctors in protecting and promoting the health and wellbeing of children and young people – before, during, and after a period of detention. BMA guidance

Health and human rights in immigration detention

This report explores the role of doctors in protecting and promoting the health-related human rights of detained individuals and calls for action from the government on detention policy and practice. BMA guidance

Forensic and secure environments ethics toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help you navigate the main areas of ethical concern you are likely to encounter in your practice as a forensic physician, including consent, treating vulnerable patients and working with dual loyalties. BMA guidance