BMA webinar - Why mediate?

Virtual - online

In this 45 minute webinar, BMA Law’s expert will introduce you to mediation process, practice and law.

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Free for BMA members and non-members

Mediation is an effective way of resolving harmful conflict in a constructive way, focusing on solutions. An impartial mediator helps the parties find their own solution to tricky situations. Mediation is voluntary: parties must agree to mediate. It is confidential.


What you will learn

  • Types of mediation: workplace, commercial, judicial
  • Pros and cons: conflict involves time, stress, uncertainty, costs
  • When to mediate: is it ever too early or too late?
  • Preparation for mediation: documents, discussions
  • The mediation day: online or in person, the process and role of mediator
  • When will mediation become compulsory in the civil courts?


Key speaker

Camilla Palmer QC (Hon) is an experienced Mediator having conducted many private and judicial mediations. She has been a Fee Paid Employment Judge for over 20 years.

Camilla has focussed on resolving disputes since 2014 when she set up a unique legal charity, Your Employment Settlement Service (YESS) which advises employers and employees how to resolve workplace disputes without litigation. Its strapline is ‘Life’s too short to litigate’.

Prior to this Camilla was an employment litigator for 20 years setting up her own firm, Palmer Wade. Camilla recently set up a free mediation service for Londoners called DRAW (Dispute Resolution Assistance in the Workplace).

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