Excellence in medico-legal report writing - October 2024

Join in person at
BMA House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP

This one-day course explores what lawyers and the courts expect and require from a medico-legal expert’s report.

Contract and pen article illustration
Register now

BMA members: £354 including VAT, Non-members: £540 including VAT.

About this event

A medico-legal expert’s report is a vital element in litigation. It must be clear, succinct, independent and well presented. Reports are seen by many professionals during litigation and often new instructions are received from opposition lawyers.

Many medico-legal experts create their own report writing style or adopt other people’s generalised formats, having rarely received constructive feedback from lawyers on what is required from their medico-legal reports.

This course explores what lawyers and the courts expect and require from a medico-legal expert’s report. During the training you will be taught how to assess your own and other medico-legal experts’ reports.


What you will learn

  • Identifying the issues to be addressed in your medico-legal report.
  • Using a structured approach to preparation and writing.
  • Expressing an independent view and arguing your conclusion.
  • Handling supporting information.
  • Developing an objective and critical eye in relation to your medico-legal report.
  • Insulating your report against cross-examination.
  • Dealing with different procedural requirements (Family, Civil and/or Criminal), including the Expert’s Declarations.


Course trainer

The course will be led by a lawyer (solicitor or barrister) who is a Bond Solon-trained trainer. With extensive experience of providing expert witness training to medico-legal experts, the trainer will adopt an interactive approach, including delegate participation and group work.


Organiser details

BMA conferences
