Getting your area BMA ballot-ready: A webinar for LNC, RCC and CC members

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Join this webinar and help the BMA fix consultants' pay, now and for your retirement.

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The webinar is free for LNC, RCC and CC members.

About the event

On Monday 15 May, BMA will open its ballot, asking consultants in England if they are willing to take industrial action on the issue of pay. The stakes are high: winning this ballot and, if necessary, taking successful industrial action, will ensure that going forward consultants are paid fairly. Securing fair pay will, in turn, help to address the workforce crisis threatening our health service and safeguard the NHS.

For this campaign to be a success, we need pay campaigners across the country to help make sure their local consultants are BMA ballot ready. This webinar, exclusively for LNC, RCC and CC members, will support attendees to engage doctors in their local area on the subject of their pay, and look at ways of encouraging colleagues to take part in our ballot.


What to expect from the event

  • The official consultants committee presentation on the state of consultants pay and the importance of this ballot.
  • A Q&A with consultants committee officers and negotiation team members to answer all your questions about the campaign.
  • Discussion on specific actions attendees can take to ensure our ballot is a success.


What you will learn

  • How years of pay freezes and sub-inflationary pay awards that have led to the huge real-terms fall in consultant pay and the impact this has had on the value of consultants’ pensions.
  • Why we need to fix pay now and for consultants’ retirement, and how to do this.
  • How to best share information about the state of consultant pay, encourage doctors to vote in the ballot and inspire consultants to become campaign activists in their own right.


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BMA consultants committee