Regulatory Proceedings: a practical guide to GMC and MPTS proceedings

Online event

The event will prepare practitioners for GMC investigations and any MPTS proceedings which might follow. A practical discussion of the don’s and dont’s of regulatory law and practice.

Justice scales article illustration
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Free for BMA members and non-members.

What to expect from this event

  • GMC investigations – procedure and response.
  • Other agency involvement.
  • MPTS hearings – a guide.
  • Indemnity importance.


Key speaker

Clayton Williams is a regulatory, criminal law and inquest solicitor with some 25 years of experience representing the medical, education and public sector. He has worked for both the trade union and commercial sectors throughout England and Wales and is passionate about ensuring fairness for doctors who face GMC investigations, MPTS hearings and disciplinary proceedings. Outside of the day job, he enjoys reading, good red wine, theatre and is a long-suffering fan of Welsh rugby.


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