Sessional GPs – the BMA advice line is here to help you

by Nicki Kemp

The BMA is here to answer questions about work patterns in the time of COVID-19

Location: UK
Published: Thursday 26 November 2020
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The BMA advice line has seen, not unsurprisingly, a huge increase in calls seeking advice about all sorts of COVID-related enquiries over the last nine months.

Many of the enquiries we have received have been from sessional GP members in relation to work pattern changes during COVID, or how to manage needing to isolate as a sessional GP.

We have also sought to help sessional GPs with a whole range of more diverse issues such as personal protective equipment enquiries, childcare effects on ability to work and risk assessments.

Our helpline is open 24 hours for emergency advice, and non-urgent advice calls can be booked online, or webchats can also connect you to an adviser. 

Non-urgent call-backs can be booked here:

The webchat service is accessed here:

Members can also see much of their collated advice here:

Over the coming months our member relations team will be writing a blog for the newsletter with answers to the most frequent questions from sessional GPs that month which we hope will be useful for colleagues who may be experiencing similar problems.

Nicki Kemp is a BMA sessional GPs committee executive member