Sessionalweek Sessionalweek

Sessional GP week 2024

Welcome to 'Empowering Sessional GPs' - a week of opportunity, diversity and safety. 

Running from 10-16 June, this event features blogs and content showcasing opportunities within the profession, with a special day focused on locum GPs. Our aim is to promote professionalism, fairness and well-being within the workforce and highlight the numerous benefits of being a sessional GP. 

10 June – Locum GP Day

Discover the opportunities and contractual rights available to you as a locum GP. Access our comprehensive toolkit, guidance, the BMA locum practice agreement, and more.

Locum GP unemployment  

With practices closing due to underfunding, locum GP employment is in crisis. Many have left general practice or the NHS for more stable work. The sessional GPs committee has conducted a survey on this issue among locum GPs and will soon present the findings and next steps.

11 June – Sessional GP working conditions and diversity



12 June – Helping you plan your work





13 June – Safety and your entitlements as a sessional GP



14 June – Your opportunities as a sessional GP and entering into the profession

Explore and celebrate the opportunities and diversity within sessional GP roles. Learn how to make the most of your role and discover new opportunities.