Contract reform for resident doctors in Wales
We are now re-entering negotiations with Welsh Government and NHS Wales Employers to secure the contract we deserve.
Pay in England

- Pay restoration for resident doctors in England
- Pay offer for resident doctors working in England
- Offer from Government for resident doctors in England - FAQs
- Resident doctors' guide to industrial action in England 2024
- Guidance for consultants working during resident doctor industrial action in England
- Guidance for SAS doctors working during resident doctor industrial action in England
- Guidance for medical students during industrial action in England
- Guidance for GP practices, trainers, and LMCs during industrial action in England
Pay in Wales

- Contract reform for resident doctors in Wales
- Pay restoration in Wales
- Pay offer for resident doctors working in Wales
- Resident doctors guide to strike action in Wales
- Guidance for consultants working in Wales during resident doctor industrial action
- Guidance for SAS doctors in Wales working during resident doctor industrial action
Pay in Scotland
Pay in Northern Ireland

- Fixing pay and conditions for resident doctors in Northern Ireland
- Resident doctors' guide to industrial action in Northern Ireland 2024
- Guidance for medical students during industrial action in Northern Ireland
- Guidance for consultants working in Northern Ireland during resident doctor industrial action
- Guidance for SAS doctors in Northern Ireland working during resident doctor industrial action
- GP trainers, training practices and LMCs in Northern Ireland working during industrial action

Resident doctors wellbeing in England
Find out about the five priorities to improve wellbeing in the workplace.

BMA strike fund - donate now
A strike fund is available to subsidise members in serious financial difficulty who otherwise couldn’t afford to take part in any future rounds of strike action.
The strike fund is supported through voluntary donations to make available to doctors in need.

Become a pay campaigner
Receive updates, actions and resources to help you campaign locally for pay restoration.
For almost 200 years, we have been supporting doctors from tuition to physician and beyond. Learn more about being a BMA member today.
As of 18 September, all references to junior doctors in BMA communications have been changed to ‘resident doctors’.
Making up nearly 25% of all doctors in the UK, this cohort will now have a title that better reflects their huge range of skills and responsibilities.
Find out more about why junior doctors are now known as 'resident doctors'.