What you'll get from this toolkit
- Practical guidance on how to assess capacity and the basic principles in the Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Information on assessing best interests, dispute resolution, use of restraint and deprivation of liberty
- Guidance on the use of advance decisions to refuse treatment (ADRT) and Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs)
- Links to other relevant guidance and resources from the BMA and other bodies such as the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office of the Public Guardian.
You may also be interested to see our core ethics guidance
How to use this guide
The purpose of this toolkit is not to provide definitive answers for every situation but to identify the key factors that need to be considered when decisions are made; to summarise the relevant legal considerations; and to signpost other key professional guidance. It is not a set of rules or instructions, or a substitute for careful reflection and discussion with colleagues.