BMA confirms support for undertaking its evaluation of the Cass Review from a position of neutrality

by BMA media team

Press release from the BMA

Location: UK
Published: Thursday 26 September 2024
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The BMA’s Council of members has voted to confirm the Association will retain a neutral position on the recommendations of the Cass Review of gender identity services for children and young people whilst a BMA task and finish group undertakes its own evaluation.  

The Cass Review has garnered controversy since its publication in April. While welcomed by many, others – including patients, their families, academics, scientists, legal experts, and some members of the British Medical Association – voiced concerns. Earlier in the summer, BMA Council members voted in favour of carrying out an evidence-led evaluation of the Review.  

A further vote by the Council earlier this week, clarified that the BMA will approach its work neutrally.  

The BMA Chair of Council, Professor Phil Banfield said: 

"The BMA is not aiming to replicate the Cass Review. The Chair of our task and finish group has set out to Council how we will listen to those with lived experience either as patients or as clinicians, consider the link between evidence and recommendation, and compare the recommendations with the actions or strategies that have arisen from them. 

“While considerable focus has been placed on access to puberty blockers, the Cass Review also included wide-ranging recommendations around care for children and young people with gender dysphoria.   

“According to the founding principles of the BMA, our evaluation will be evidence-led, starting from a position of neutrality. I cannot predict the outcome of our evaluation. However, I am clear that we will hear different perspectives, always prioritising the needs of transgender children and young people, who deserve the very best care.” 


Notes to editors

The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.