Responding to the High Court’s judgment upholding the Medical Practitioner’s Tribunal Service’s decision to suspend Dr Sarah Benn for five months over her conviction for her role in climate protests, BMA representative body chair Dr Latifa Patel said:
“This judgment is naturally disappointing and will be very worrying for doctors who want to express their real and urgent concern about the climate crisis.
“The climate crisis is a health crisis and doctors regularly see the impact of changing temperatures and worsening pollution on their patients. They feel immensely helpless.
“Doctors, like everyone, may be expected to adhere to the law, but we all know that there are circumstances in which a law can be unjust. We are very concerned that the GMC, which has recently apologised for the way in which it struck off gay doctors who had broken unjust laws as recently as the 1980s, appears not to have learnt and reflected on this.
“Taking part in peaceful protest does not impact a doctor’s ability to practise medicine. The GMC needs to take a far more flexible and pragmatic approach.
“Dr Benn is being punished twice for the same thing – and something that bears no influence on her clinical skills, ability or safety.
“We will now be carefully considering the tribunal full judgment and any next steps, including grounds to appeal.”
Notes to editors
The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.