BMA NI comment on closure of Fairhill Health Centre

by BMA Northern Ireland media team

Press release from BMA Northern Ireland 

Location: Northern Ireland
Published: Tuesday 15 October 2024
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Commenting on the closure of Fairhill Health Centre, Dr Frances O’Hagan BMA NI GP Committee chair said, “The news that another practice in Northern Ireland is handing it’s contract back is no surprise. The pressure GPs are under is unrelenting, meaning there is no will for those nearing retirement to stay on a bit longer, and there is no appetite for younger GPs to take on a practice with all of the problems associated with trying to run a financially stable business.

“Reallocating patients, without no consultation, across other practices in the area is also very risky as many of these practices are already under pressure with huge patient lists. Patients have been given no choice as to what practice they would like to be allocated to, and there are many outstanding issues in terms of transferring medical records across different practices and IT systems in a very short timeframe.

“GPs are facing a complete log-jam in terms of moving people into secondary care to get timely treatment that  so they do not have to keep coming back to see their GP.

“I would not be surprised if for some of those practices who have been given no option but to take on more patients, if this will also be the final straw in terms of deciding if they can stay open.

“We need to see some action from the Department of Health quickly to help stablise general practice including a proper long term solution to the indemnity issue and a commitment to increasing funding for general practice right across Northern Ireland.”

Notes to editors

The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives. 

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