BMA NI comment on Investment in General Practice figures

by BMA Northern Ireland media team

Press release from BMA Northern Ireland 

Location: Northern Ireland
Published: Friday 28 June 2024
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Commenting on today’s Investment in general practice statistics, Dr Alan Stout, BMA NI GP committee chair said, “At a time of absolute crisis in General Practice, these figures give unambiguous evidence of one of the reasons for this crisis.

“Right across Northern Ireland GP practices are facing spiralling costs, rocketing inflation, a huge increase in the need for appointments and ever-increasing complexity and yet we see a real time reduction in funding to General Practice. It is astonishing to see it clearly laid out that we are delivering so much while facing a real terms decrease in funding of 6.92%.

“It is also a total disgrace that the DDRB recommended pay uplift of 6% is not being paid here. Practice staff and GPs in Northern Ireland are no less deserving than those in England.

“The obligation is on any future government and on our own Department to pay for the services that people need and expect, and they are simply failing to do this.”


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Notes to editors

  1. The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives. 
  2. The report is published by the Department of Health (NI) via the Statistics Section of the website at:
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