BMA secures extended mandate for consultants’ industrial action in England as vote on pay offer continues

by BMA media team

Press release from the BMA

Location: England
Published: Monday 18 December 2023
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Consultants in England have extended their industrial action mandate after a ballot1 of BMA consultant members.

Consultants in England are currently voting on a pay offer from Government after negotiations with the BMA last month. This vote will run until 23 January 2024.

While the BMA has agreed not to announce any new consultant strike dates while this offer is being considered, the new mandate ensures that consultants are legally able to take industrial action if this offer were to be rejected.

The current industrial action mandate, which expires on 26 December, is now extended until 18 June 2024.

Dr Vishal Sharma, BMA consultants committee chair, said:

"This result is a clear and emphatic demonstration of the strength of feeling among consultants, sending a clear message that the profession remains determined to fix pay now and for the future.

"Deciding to strike is not done lightly by consultants, but as a result of our members’ action over the last six months, we have brought the Government back to the negotiating table and driven them to make an offer that we are now putting out to a vote.

"While the vote on this offer remains open, we have committed to not calling any further industrial action. What today’s vote does is make clear that if members do reject this offer, there is no doubt that consultants are prepared to take further action well into next year."


Notes to editors

The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.

  1. The ballot took place between 6 November and 18 December. Full results:
    Number entitled to vote: 35,653
    Number of votes cast in the ballot: 21,543 (60.42% turnout)
    Number of YES votes: 19,278 (89.51%)
    Number of NO votes: 2,259 (10.49%)
    Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 6