The BMA is calling on the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) to urgently rectify ‘completely unacceptable’ errors in doctors’ pensions savings statements.
It’s understood that at least 757 doctors have received inaccurate statements for 2023/24, potentially preventing them from being able to complete self-assessment tax returns before the deadline at the end of the month.
The errors include miscalculations of pension savings, which are distorting total amounts and making it impossible for doctors to accurately report their tax status to HMRC.
The BMA believes the NHSBSA should report itself to the Pensions Regulator over the mistakes.
In a letter to the NHSBSA today, Dr Vishal Sharma, chair of the BMA’s pensions committee, said: “This is completely unacceptable. Failing to provide accurate pension savings information to scheme members in a timely fashion means that they are unable to complete self-assessment tax returns by the set deadline and may suffer financial detriment and further distress.
“It is incredibly concerning that NHSBSA has let its members down again in what should be a standard business as usual process. Such errors should have been picked up in internal quality assurance processes, long before PSSs were sent to all members. This compounds the severe delays members have experienced in receiving their remedial pension savings statements and the fact that tens of thousands of these also had errors.”
He goes on to say that “NHS doctors are being completely failed by their pension scheme administrator”, and that “the most disappointing thing is that these issues could have been avoided.”
Notes to editors
Please see above for the full letter.
The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.
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