PM is right to consider further measures to reduce smoking harms, says BMA

by BMA media team

Press release from the BMA

Location: UK
Published: Thursday 29 August 2024
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Responding to reports that the Government is considering expanding outdoor spaces where it will be illegal to smoke tobacco, Dr Penelope Toff, BMA public health medicine committee chair, said:

“The Prime Minister is right to consider further measures to reduce the preventable harm caused for both smokers themselves and those around them. Smoking is still a very significant cause of ill health and early death and we know that the vast majority of smokers want to quit. The BMA continues to be committed to supporting effective measures to reduce tobacco-related harm.

“Passive smoking is a danger to health, especially for children, so ensuring more spaces, including outdoors, where people aren’t forced to breathe in others’ smoke makes sense. This is particularly important in areas where children are present, such as pub gardens and restaurants. The 2007 UK ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces encouraged hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit and reduced related ill health, including in children and in years since, many countries have gone further to protect people in crowded spaces outdoors. Polls show that most people in the UK welcome the government’s recent “smokefree generation” proposals.

“It is important to understand that smoking and the harms it causes, disproportionately affect those who are less well off. Any new legislation must be UK-wide, work to mitigate any negative impacts on the hospitality industry and include adequate and sustained local Public Health funding, including for smoking cessation services, which have been decimated over the last ten years because of these cuts.

“Once there are specific proposals, the BMA will be able to comment in more detail. Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing the Tobacco and Vapes Bill being brought to Parliament, as part of the government’s commitment to create a smoke-free society and curb the epidemic of vaping among young people. We also encourage swift and effective government action on other preventable harms, such as obesity and excessive alcohol use, to make it easier for people to live long healthy lives.”


Notes to editors

The BMA is a professional association and trade union representing and negotiating on behalf of all doctors in the UK. A leading voice advocating for outstanding health care and a healthy population. An association providing members with excellent individual services and support throughout their lives.