Welsh Junior Doctors Committee response to Welsh Government’s enhanced 2022/2023 pay award

Press release from BMA Cymru Wales 

Location: Wales
Published: Tuesday 28 February 2023
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WJDC co-chairs Georgina Budd and Amna Babiker said:

“We would like to make clear that the Welsh Junior Doctors Committee voted to reject this offer, however the overall position that BMA Cymru Wales adopted was to accept it, based on votes cast by the Welsh Staff, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctors Committee and the Welsh Consultants committee.

“Whilst the Welsh Government’s enhanced pay offer for 22/23 does not go anywhere near to achieving full pay restoration, we are pleased that the Welsh Government has committed to the principle of pay restoration to 2008 levels, the first government in the UK to do so.

“We are fully committed to achieving our aim. This week, we will send an urgent request to the health minister to make good on this public declaration and to now confirm a timeline for restoring pay to address the 26% cut in pay we have seen since 2008.

“As a committee we will not stop until we achieve this, the fight to put an end to the devaluing of doctors has only just begun.”

Notes to editors

  1. In November 2022 the Welsh Junior Doctors Committee voted to align with the BMA’s UK position established at the 2022 Annual Representative Meeting, to achieve pay restoration to 2007 value for its members within the next five years or sooner and to evidence its progress against this aim at every ARM until restoration is achieved
  2. Years of sub-inflationary pay adjustments mean that since 2008, junior doctors have seen their pay cut by 26.1% in real terms
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