What is the medical academics conference?
The conference is the BMA’s policy forum for medical academics, organised annually by the BMA’s MASC (medical academic staff committee).
All doctors engaged in medical academic activities – research, education and training and innovation – who may be based in higher education institutions, in the NHS, in industry and beyond – are welcome, irrespective of the stage of career. You do not need to be a BMA member to be able to attend.
Dental academics (at all stages of their career) are also welcome.
The theme and programme
The overall theme for the conference is 'Underpinning science and scholarship in medicine – ensuring the education and workforce needs are met'.
Read our blog about the conference theme.
The programme will include:
- Keynote presentations on the theme of the conference.
- Formal welcome and introduction from the president of the BMA .
- Reports from the chair of the MASC and the chair of the joint academic trainees subcommittee on their work over the last year.
- Break-out groups to provide the opportunity for informal discussion of the issues of concern.
- Opportunities to create, submit and debate policy motions on issues affecting medical academics, giving you the chance to influence the BMA’s work over the coming year.
- Participate in the election for the conference chair and members of the agenda committee for conference 2026.
Attendees will also hear about the work of the MASC and be able to set key priorities and play an active role in determining the direction of the committee for 2025-26. There will also be opportunities to network with other participants at BMA House.
The key way that the conference influences MASC (and hence BMA) policy is through debate on motions and then voting whether to support, amend or reject them. The conference informs the BMA’s ARM (annual representative meeting) agenda committee about the motions that are agreed, and where appropriate these can be debated further at the ARM and adopted as BMA policy.
Once you have registered for the conference you can submit a motion to the agenda committee for consideration. Please send them to [email protected] The final deadline for motions is 9am on 1 April.
The agenda committee would particularly welcome motions on the theme of the conference.
Read the advice on how to write a good motion (which should increase the chances of it being debated): Creating and developing BMA policy .
Who can attend?
All places are open for registration and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. There is room for both trained and trainee representatives from all universities with medical schools, and from all devolved nations in the UK and from all regions of England. You should indicate your academic institution or workplace on the registration form. MASC would like all parts of the medical academic sector to be represented. You can find out more information about your eligibility from the MASC secretariat at [email protected]
Attendance is free to BMA/ BDA members and costs £20 (including VAT) for non-members.
Non-members are entitled to the BMA rate if they join the BMA when registering. For further information about this, call BMA conferences on 020 7383 6111.
If you are not a BMA member but would like to attend the conference, please email [email protected] to register.
If for any reason after registering you should find yourself no longer able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so your place can be allocated to someone else.
Ensuring all can attend
Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed for representatives on production of receipts. You are asked to make every effort to book advance tickets and to make use of the cheap deals that are available. If in doubt, please contact [email protected] prior to making your travel arrangements.
The cost of overnight stays will normally only be met if it is necessary for the representatives to leave home before 6.30am. Nonetheless you must gain advance approval for a claim of accommodation costs. If you require the BMA to cover the cost of your overnight accommodation or have queries about it, you must email your request in advance to [email protected]
Accommodation expenses will be reimbursed up to a maximum of £230 per night. Delegates will be expected to cover any difference themselves.
If you need to make special arrangements to care for children or adult dependents in order to attend, the BMA is able to meet the cost of that additional care.
Please contact Winifred Annan on [email protected] if you require further information on the childcare and adult dependent arrangements available at this event.