BMA courses

As a BMA member you get access to a range of clinical and non-clinical courses to help with your professional development and studies:

  • live and recorded webinars
  • BMA non-clinical modules
Learning and Development Article Illustration
Webinar Dealing with pressure at medical school - recorded webinar At medical school you'll find some things come naturally to you whilst others take more time to adjust to. Different people, new living arrangements, and exam pressures are a lot for any university student, but medicine has its own unique challenges.
BMA module Dealing with pressure at medical school By completing this module, you will feel more confident in managing the workload pressures and stressors that you may face both now and in the future.
BMA module Preparing effectively for the multi-specialty recruitment assessment On completion of this module, you should understand how to prepare effectively for the MSRAand appreciate the methodology behind the MSRA. We will touch upon the five potential question styles and practise tackling typical question types from both papers and know where to locate useful resources.
BMA module Preparing effectively for the Situational Judgement Test This module explores what a SJT (Situational Judgment Test) is, how to prepare for it, and how it will be used in selection for the UK foundation programme.
BMA module Preparing for PLAB (The Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test) This module will help you to think about what you need to do to prepare yourself effectively for your PLAB 1 and PLAB 2. 
BMA module Preparing for the AKT This practical module will help you plan and prepare for your forthcoming AKT, by combining expert insight with practical application.