BMA council members raise solidarity donation for RMT strike fund

A statement from BMA council chair Philip Banfield

Location: England
Published: Friday 2 September 2022
BMA in the news Illustration

Members of the BMA’s UK Council, the association’s principle executive committee, have made a solidarity donation of £1000 to the strike fund of the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union’s (RMT).

This donation, raised from personal contributions made by BMA council members, supports workers as they continue their industrial action in defence of their livelihoods and working conditions.

Professor Philip Banfield, chair of council at the BMA, said:

"This donation demonstrates not just our commitment to supporting the principles of collective action in the pursuit of better pay and working conditions for all of society, but represents the essential bond shared between organised workers today. As this country faces a tumultuous winter, with a cost-of-living crisis preying upon the lives of millions, it must not be workers who see their pay further eroded, their terms and conditions whittled away, or their livelihoods jeopardised.

"Trade unions have always been the bulwark protecting workers in hard times, and the vanguard pursuing better terms and better pay through democratic means and collective action. Whether a doctor, a rail worker, a teacher, a nurse or a hospitality worker, no matter the profession, the BMA stands together in solidarity with other unions, as we seek a fair deal for our members."