As we pass the Autumn Equinox the BMA retired members committee has had its first meeting for the session and has been planning our work for the year. This is now my second session as your chair and, as we continue to progress, I promise to keep in touch with you regularly via these blogs.
The importance of retired members
Retired members are vital to the BMA in many areas: retaining organisational memory; supporting colleagues via mentoring and wellbeing activities; returning to work at times of stress and challenge for the NHS; and supporting many volunteer roles in the community where medical knowledges is of benefit. Your committee has been vocal in highlighting these areas of importance to the rest of the BMA and has been working to ensure that, as a group, we are not overlooked.
The flip side of that work is where your committee asks, what does the BMA do for retired members? Obviously, BMA employment support continues for any work done whether remunerated or not. There are also many BMA financial and legal services and lifestyle discounts which are useful when retired. As a committee we are always looking to ensure BMA services work for retired members and are open to hearing your ideas for new areas where the BMA could be of help.
‘Transitioning’ to retirement at the BMA
Many members do not choose to identify as retired members on the BMA database, preferring instead to remain as their prior classification, eg GP and so 'stay in touch'. I would like to highlight to you, that it is possible to select two membership categories (primary and secondary) and hence retain contact with your previous branch of practice during retirement.
You will only be able to vote with your primary membership category, but it can be useful to receive communications from more than one area of the BMA and I think this should be more widely disseminated. You can update your membership details online. I am also aware that many people think that to be a retired member you need to be completely retired, this is not true. You can still work part time and retired members will pay BMA membership based on their medical earnings.
Cass Review
The Cass Review of gender identity services for children and young people has garnered controversy since its publication in April. While welcomed by some, others – including some BMA members – have voiced concerns. In August, BMA council voted for the BMA to evaluate the Cass Review. More recently, it voted for the BMA to retain a neutral position on the review until that evaluation led by David Strain has concluded.
GP Collective action
It is notable that there has been settlement of pay claims for some branches of practice but that general practice remains very challenged and in need of a significant uplift in funding as their workload continues to rise. Many of us are transitioning to become users of, rather than providers of, healthcare and I hope you can support our GP colleagues as they seek to improve their position and continue to battle the challenges they face in providing service.
Medical School Freshers Fayres
There have been suggestions the BMA might want to support freshers' fayres at medical schools round the UK and I have suggested that retired members might be beneficially offered the opportunity to help.
2025 retired members conference – Thursday 20 March
Planning for next year’s retired members conference is already under way, with the theme, ‘Feeling valued – giving back’. We hope we can increase the number of remote attendees at conference so that more of you are able to participate. Unfortunately, we are limited to the numbers that can attend in person because of the cost envelope.
The conference will take place on the 20 March 2025 at BMA House and online, if you want to put the date in your diaries. More details will follow in December and booking will open in January 2025. We had a very useful wash up session after this year’s hybrid conference and look forward to building on last year’s success and learning from the issues that arise from running a conference with people attending in person and online.
Ideas? Please get in touch
We are looking at other areas of development of support for members and you will hear more about these as they become available.
It is always good to hear from members both with any problems or positive suggestions and we would encourage you to get in touch. We do try to respond to all.
Peter Curry
BMA retired members committee chair
Laura Clark
BMA retired members committee secretariat