Spotlight on SAS doctors for SAS Week 2024

Mark your calendars for 14–18 October – we’ll be recognising and celebrating the work of specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors 

Location: UK
Published: Thursday 26 September 2024

Get ready for a week-long celebration of SAS (specialist, associate specialist, and specialty) doctors! In partnership with NHS Employers, SAS Week is all about recognising and celebrating the incredible work and expertise of SAS doctors. 

Throughout the week, we’ll be offering informative webinars, inspiring case studies, interactive resources, and much more. Each day, we’ll shine a spotlight on the vital contributions of SAS doctors with fresh content designed to inform, inspire, and engage. 

Daily themes for the week

Monday, 14 October – SAS as a career choice and the SAS charter  

Tuesday, 15 October – Specialist grade  

Wednesday, 16 October – SAS in extended roles and SAS development  

Thursday, 17 October – Equalities and the Medical Workforce Equality Standard (MWRES)  

Friday, 18 October – SAS advocates and SAS wellbeing

Live webinars

Our live webinars during SAS Week will feature two must-attend sessions: one discussing the specialist role and another focused on SAS advocates. Registration opens soon – watch this space to secure your spot and be part of the conversation. 

Specialist role in collaboration with NHS Employers: Tuesday, 15 October, 6–7pm 

SAS advocates: Friday, 18 October, 12–1pm 

Downloadable resources

Spread the word and celebrate #SASWeek24! Download our social media assets and posters to share with your colleagues and network. Invite everyone to find out more and take part. 

Themed social media assets for each day: 

Join us as we celebrate the value and impact of SAS doctors – more will be happening on X @BMA_SAS and #SASWeek24.