The Doctor – issue 69, July 2024

Read all the latest news from The Doctor

Location: UK
Published: Thursday 18 July 2024


A new Government, news from the BMA annual representative meeting, rare diseases, alcohol misuse, geriatric medicine, rural medicine, occupational health – just some of the issues covered in the July issue of The Doctor

At a glance: a mountain to climb – the new health secretary's in-tray list flows over 

ARM 2024: Doctors ‘must not be substituted’ by MAPs, insists BMA

ARM 2024: Junior doctors to be called 'resident doctors'

ARM 2024: Call to subsidise junior doctors 

ARM: 2024: BMA takes legal action over MAPs

Find the zebra – how doctors are learning to spot rare disease more readily

Nye's lost legacy – the drive to provide an occupational health service for all

Dr Finlay's world – an exhibition celebrates the effort put into rural practice

A neglected drug for neglected patients – a shortage of Pabrinex is affecting the most socially deprived patients

Your BMA – tackling poor internal behaviour

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