Pay offer for resident doctors working in Scotland

Following intense negotiations with Scottish Government and employers' representatives, the Scottish resident doctors committee has reached a pay offer that was accepted by members in a consultative vote. Eligible BMA members voted 98.2% with a turnout of 61.4% to accept the offer, delivering a further step on continuing progress to restore Resident doctor pay in Scotland.

Below you can find further information on all aspects of the pay offer.

Juniors Working Together Emergency Manchester
Resident doctors in Scotland vote to accept pay offer


Read a message from Chris Smith, BMA Scottish resident doctors committee chair


Key points at a glance

The offer represents a cumulative pay uplift of 11% for the financial year 2024/25

  • An initial uplift of 8.5% from 01 April 2024.
  • A further uplift of 2.3% from 01 October 2024.
  • Along with last year's deal, this offer would take us virtually halfway to pay restoration, with two further years of the agreement remaining.
  • This offer applies to all NHS Scotland resident doctors, dentists in training, as well as relevant clinical academics, and represents a total investment of £64.1 million in resident doctor pay.

New pay scale

All resident doctors in Scotland will receive a cumulative pay uplift of 11% as a result of the deal.

Foundation year Pay point Pay Scale 2023/24 Pay scale 01 April 2024 % Uplift £ Uplift Pay scale 01 October 2024 % Uplift £ Uplift Cumulative % increase Total £ increase
Foundation year 1 0 £31,082 £33,724 8.5% £2,642 £34,500 2.3% £776 11% £3,418
Foundation year 1 1 £33,024 £35,831 8.5% £2,807 £36,655 2.3% £824 11% £3,631
Foundation year 1 2 £34,964 £37,936 8.5% £2,972 £38,808 2.3% £873 11% £3,844
Foundation year 2 0 £38,553 £41,830 8.5% £3,277 £42,792 2.3% £962 11% £4,239
Foundation year 2 1 £41,075 £44,566 8.5% £3,491 £45,591 2.3% £1,025 11% £4,516
Foundation year 2 2 £43,597 £47,303 8.5% £3,706 £48,391 2.3% £1,088 11% £4,794
Resident doctors 0 £40,995 £44,480 8.5% £3,485 £45,503 2.3% £1,023 11% £4,508
Resident doctors 1 £43,504 £47,202 8.5% £3,698 £48,287 2.3% £1,086 11% £4,783
Resident doctors 2 £47,007 £51,003 8.5% £3,996 £52,176 2.3% £1,173 11% £5,169
Resident doctors 3 £49,126 £53,302 8.5% £4,176 £54,528 2.3% £1,226 11% £5,402
Resident doctors 4 £51,680 £56,073 8.5% £4,393 £57,362 2.3% £1,290 11% £5,682
Resident doctors 5 £54,235 £58,845 8.5% £4,610 £60,198 2.3% £1,353 11% £5,963
Resident doctors 6 £56,793 £61,620 8.5% £4,827 £63,038 2.3% £1,417 11% £6,245
Resident doctors 7 £59,348 £64,432 8.5% £5,048 £65,914 2.3% £1,482 11% £6,530
Resident doctors 8 £61,903 £67,165 8.5% £5,262 £68,710 2.3% £1,545 11% £6,807
Resident doctors 9 £64,461 £69,940 8.5% £5,479 £71,549 2.3% £1,609 11% £7,088

How we got here

Like all doctors across the UK, Resident Doctors in Scotland have experienced unacceptable pay erosion since 2008. We are committed to fully restoring the pay of the profession to at least this level. Learn more about our campaign.


Your questions answered

The pay offer for 2024/25 is describe as a cumulative uplift of 11% - is this a phased uplift?

The offer that we have negotiated is as follows:

  • an initial 8.5% from 1st April 2024
  • an additional 2.3% increase from 1 October, applied to the revised April payscale
  • cumulatively, this would represent a total uplift to base salary of 11%.

Will the pay uplift apply to my banding supplements as well as basic pay?

Yes, as the contractual banding supplements are applied as a multiplier of your basic salary, then any change in the basic salary must trigger a change in your banding payments as well.

When will I receive the uplift?

BMA Scotland will work with Scottish Government to ensure the increase is applied to salaries as soon as practically possible. The back pay to 1 April 2024 will normally be paid in the month after the pay increase is received.

Will there be any changes to where dental trainees start on the pay scale or the pay progression journey for dental trainees (DCT and StRs)?

The pay offer sets out the uplift for dental trainees. There is no change to where trainees commence on the pay scale or the pay progression journey for DCT and StRs and a full pay circular will be published, if the offer is accepted

Is the aim still for full pay restoration?

BMA Scotland is committed to fully addressing the erosion of resident doctor pay by achieving full pay restoration. The 11% increase achieved for this year is significantly above inflation and builds on the agreement and pay award of last year, which had already begun to reverse the trend of pay erosion, and we continue to make demonstratable progress to maintain on the trajectory to full pay restoration.


Pay offer webinar

On Monday 4 November SRDC hosted a webinar to answer your questions about the resident doctor pay offer in Scotland. 

Watch the recorded webinar


Pay offer Q&A

Members of the negotiating team discussed the pay and contract reform offer.

Watch the Q&A


Still have questions?

If you have questions about the offer or about the ballot, please email


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