Fees for consultants

Find the work and time estimates we've compiled to help guide you.

Location: UK
Audience: Consultants
Updated: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Till article illustration
Hospital doctors Time (estimate and e.g.)
Work indicating time element where appropriate See Fees calculator
Extract from records 30 mins
Written report 45 mins
Medical examination and report or complex written report and opinion 45-60 mins
Sessional fee 180 mins
Medical boards and tribunals Time (estimate and e.g.)
One case 45 mins
Two cases 90 mins
Session 180 mins
Daily rate Session x 2
Lectures Time (estimate and e.g.)
One hour See Fees calculator
Two hours See Fees calculator
Three hours See Fees calculator

The BMA sets and agrees a schedule of fees with various Government departments and agencies for routine work (e.g. certificates, reports and examinations) that doctors are asked to undertake.

Where there is no agreement in place, doctors may set and agree their own fees in advance to undertaking the work.


General rules when charging a fee

  • Estimate how long it will take
  • Give a clear indication of the anticipated length of time the work will take.
  • Agree it in writing
  • As with all non-NHS work, it is vital that professional fees are agreed in writing before agreeing to undertake any work. Doctors who fail to take this precaution may encounter difficulties in recovering fees and, in such situations, the BMA will not be able to intervene to resolve disputes.
  • Complete the task as quickly as possible
  • On receipt of an undertaking to pay the doctor's professional fee at the agreed rate, the work should be completed as quickly as possible and processed in the normal way.
  • Produce high quality reports
  • It is important that if proper professional fees are to be charged, high quality reports should be produced and processed quickly, normally within 10 working days of receipt of the request.