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Support for UK doctors - impact of the Israel-Palestine conflict With increased reports of antisemitism and islamophobia, we offer support for UK doctors and medical students impacted by the Israel-Palestine conflict. BMA guidance
BMA position: Israel-Gaza conflict The BMA is profoundly concerned by the humanitarian and healthcare implications of the Israel-Gaza conflict. Find out more about our concerns and asks. BMA lobbying
Studying in the UK and your visa How to apply for a tier 4 visa to study medicine in the UK, how much it costs and eligibility criteria. BMA guidance Wednesday 20 April 2022
Working with the Northern Ireland Assembly We work with the Northern Ireland Assembly and Department of Health to influence legislation and create change for doctors and health policy in Northern Ireland.  BMA lobbying
Working in the peri-retirement period: possible changes to working practices We outline how employers can retain consultants in peri-retirement, what to take into account when considering retirement and returning to the NHS, what you can earn and contractual arrangements. BMA guidance Wednesday 3 November 2021
Working at Christmas What is it like for you to work at Christmas? Three doctors tell Seren Boyd their experiences, from carving turkey on the wards to bringing festivities forward so patients can have one last Christmas The Doctor Thursday 21 December 2023
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