ARM Highlights 2024

See what took place at this year's ARM in Belfast.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Monday 1 July 2024

ARM 2024 - day 1

Agenda highlights

Resolutions passed

Chair of council welcome speech

BMA chair of council Phil Banfield

"We will not stand idly by to let standards of healthcare be driven down, nor accept shortcuts being imposed at the expense of patient safety."

Read and watch the Chair of council speech to ARM 2024

ARM 2024 - day 2

  • Reflections
  • Finances of the Association
  • BMA structure and function
  • Wales
  • Health information management and IT
  • Medical academic staff
  • Scotland
  • England
  • Occupational medicine
  • Forensic and secure environments
  • AGM
  • AFC
  • Junior doctors
  • Medico-legal

Resolutions passed

Social highlights from ARM 2024