RCCs (regional consultants committees) are the representative bodies for all consultants in their region. RCC members are elected to the consultants committee and provide an important link between the national body and the BMA locally.
The RCCs also provide a source of regional expert advice for directors of public health, the deaneries, regional advisory committees on clinical excellence awards, strategic health authorities and local authorities.
There are 13 RCCs in England that involve and engage consultant members on a local basis.
The RCCs meet four times a year to discuss the latest issues affecting consultant doctors in their respective regions. These meetings are open to all consultants in their regional areas. Both BMA members and non-members are welcome.
Come along and have your say on the things that matter to you and your work.
How to join your RCC
There are many advantages to becoming involved in our committees. You can actively influence BMA policy-making and negotiations at regional level, represent your colleagues' voices and develop your leadership skills.
Eligibility criteria and seats allocation
- If you are a BMA member and a consultant, you can stand to be elected to your RCC.
- If you work in two different areas, you can only be part of the RCC where your primary place of work is.
- Each Trust sends at least two representatives to their relevant RCC. For Trusts with over 200 BMA consultant members, three representatives are selected, and at least one them needs to be a member of the Trust’s LNC. In the case of a contested election, the seat will go to an open vote of all consultant members in the Trust.
- Elections take place annually, except when a representative is elected as part of the committee executive. In this case, their term with be determined by the length of employment as an officer.
To join or find out more about regional elections, contact your RCC directly from the list below.
Co-Chair: Miss Maharukh Daruwalla
For more information, email us or call 0203 033 3900
London North East
Chair: Dr Simon Walsh
Dr Stella Kingett
Dr Mark Westwood
For more information, email us or call 0208 655 8800
London North West
Chair: Dr Jan Wise
Deputy Chair: Dr John Barrie Firth
For more information, email us or call 0208 655 8800.
London South
email us or call 0208 655 8800.
For more information,Mersey
Chair: Dr Denise Langhor
Deputy Chair: Dr Bhairavi Sapre
Secretary: Dr Henry Gibson
For more information, email us or call 0151 702 8405.
North Western
Chair: Dr Indeewar Kapila
Secretary: Dr Shantanu Datta
Dr Sunila Jain
For more information, email us or call 0151 709 5660.
Chair: Dr Mike Shaw
Deputy chair: Dr Andy Thornley
Secretary: Dr John Moore
For more information, email us or call 0113 261 8325.
Chair: Mr Andrew Carl Molodynski
Deputy Chair: Dr Nicholas Woodthorpe
Secretary: Mr Ian McNab
For more information, email us or call 0208 655 8839.
South Western
Chair: Dr Abigail Hines
Deputy Chair: Dr James Bowler
Dr Richard Clarkson
For more information, email us or call 0117 945 3100.
Chair: Dr Nancy Boniface
Deputy Chair: Mr Ram Moorthy
Dr Selwyn D’Costa
For more information, email us or call 0208 655 8839.
Chair: Dr Mike Henley
Deputy Chair: Dr Neelam Dugar
Secretary: Dr Rohit Umesh Verma
Email: [email protected]
For more information, please email Richard Wilde, or call 0121 452 7739.
West Midlands
Chair: Rinesh Parmar
Deputy Chair: Jeremy Newman
Honorary Secretary: Ian Barros D'Sa
Email: [email protected]
For more information, please email Richard Wilde, or call 0121 452 7739.
Chair: Dr Shrilay Sinha
Deputy Chair: Mr Sakkaf Ahmed Aftab
Secretary: Dr Reyhana Henderson
For more information, email us or call 0113 261 8325.
The BMA is working to meet the challenges that women face in the medical profession.
Stand for a BMA committee and be part of this change.