Scottish junior doctors committee

The SJDC (Scottish junior doctors committee) represents and gathers the opinions of junior doctors in Scotland. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.

Location: Scotland
Audience: Junior doctors
Updated: Monday 17 June 2024
Voting card article illustration

The SJDC represents all doctors in training in hospitals and public health medicine practice in Scotland. Views from around the country are brought together to form national policy.


Our priorities

Pay restoration for junior doctors in Scotland

SJDC continue to campaign for pay restoration for junior doctors in Scotland.  Following the strike ballot – where 97% who voted – voted in favour of strike action – we entered intense negotiations over junior doctor pay, with the Scottish Government.  The resulting negotiated offer between SJDC and Scottish Government was put to junior doctors in Scotland, who voted conclusively to accept this. 81.64% voted to accept (turnout of 71.24%) the pay increase of 12.4% this year (2023/24) backdated to April, and for the next three financial years will see SJDC enter into yearly negotiations with Scottish Government that must make credible progress in real terms towards full pay restoration to 2008 levels. Inflation will be guaranteed as the floor for each round of ongoing negotiations.

In addition, the Government has committed to agreeing to a new pay review mechanism with junior doctors – the aim of which is to reach a “mutually agreeable path to achieve pay restoration and prevent erosion from recurring in the future” – effectively withdrawing junior doctors in Scotland from the DDRB (Doctors and Dentists Pay Review Body).  Finally, BMA Scotland will enter contract negotiation with the Scottish Government from this autumn, with the aim of improving the working and training conditions of junior doctors in Scotland by April 2026.

The coming year will be crucial as we hold the government to account around their pay commitments and work to start contract negotiations. We have laid solid foundations, but making further progress on our path towards pay restoration will require the same energy and engagement that made us so successful last year, so stay or get involved in your BMA.

Visit the Pay restoration for junior doctors in Scotland webpage for more information on the Scottish junior pay restoration campaign page. 

Addressing junior doctor fatigue and wellbeing

Following the publication of the SJDC well-being document and the delayed Scottish Government 48-hour maximum working week expert working group report, SJDC have continued to work with Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, and NES (NHS Education for Scotland) on the need to address fatigue and wellbeing for junior doctors in Scotland. Following these discussions, a joint agreement was reached in February 2022, which included commitment to implement a maximum number of long shifts for junior doctors. This was a key ask of the BMA Scotland’s wellbeing report.

SJDC continue to work with Scottish Government and NHS Scotland employers on improving facilities for junior doctors - another key area within BMA wellbeing and the Scottish Government Expert reports.

Scottish Government have made further assurances that they remain full committed to making improvements for junior doctors and we will continue to discuss this nationally with Scottish Government and employers and through the newly established JNC (Joint Negotiating Committee) which BMA SJDC is represented on.

Earlier release of rotas in advance for junior doctors

Due to long standing issue of delays in juniors receiving their rotas in advance a SLWG (short life working group) was set up with membership from BMA Scotland, Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, and NES to identify implementable solutions to ensure earlier release of rotas providing at least 6 weeks’ notice for junior doctors. The recommendations from this group have been finalised, and SJDC continue to push to see demonstrable progress for junior doctors for future changeover dates. SJDC will take this issue up further with Scottish Government and employers through representation on the national Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC).

BMA Scotland doctors' rota feedback

Have you received your rota yet?

The BMA’s Scottish Junior Doctors Committee continues to emphasise how important timely rota receipt is to doctors in Scotland. We are working with the Scottish Government, employers, and NHS Education for Scotland to progress well-known areas for improvement, the most important being to ensure the earlier release of rotas and providing at least six weeks’ notice for doctors.  The impact of late issuing of rotas can have a massive impact on wellbeing and the ability to plan. 

Junior doctors in Scotland should receive their rota six weeks in advance of changeover – please let us know when you received yours, especially if late by completing the feedback form. This form is open to all doctors working in hospital settings in Scotland, regardless of BMA membership.

When doctors feed rota issues back– for example where there are issues with a specific rota for groups of trainees - BMA will raise this issue on your behalf with the relevant lead employer and/or placement Board.

For BMA members, if you would like to have your individual issue assigned to one of our local BMA advisers, please make sure you tick the relevant box on the form. 

If you are not yet a BMA member, you can start your membership now.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to feedback on whether you have received your rota yet, this will strengthen us as we continue to press for progress to be made on this important issue for doctors in Scotland.

Rota monitoring and breaks

SJDC continue to discuss with Scottish Government and NHS employers to address identified areas of issue around monitoring and processes recognising the importance of rota monitoring as a mechanism to check that junior doctor working patterns are safe and junior doctors are able to take required breaks and rest, they are entitled to. The important issue of breaks for junior doctors – an issue of wellbeing and safety is one that BMA SJDC continue to raise with Scottish Government and employers – and continues to be a priority.

See here for monitoring guidance.

Rota monitoring advice

To support you with the upcoming rota monitoring period, contact [email protected] for further information.

Locum rate card and 2002 T&Cs guidance

In a joint effort with BMA Cymru Wales and BMA Northern Ireland, a rate card for junior doctors working on 2002 terms and conditions has been released for use by our members when negotiating non contractual work.

Our people

Chris Smith (supernumerary)

Deputy chairs:
Scott McGlynn & Hugh Pearson (responsible for negotiations)
Catriona McAleer & Sobha Singh (responsible for education and training)




Lauren Arnold
Seamus Crumley
Theo Habbick
Robbie Miller (LNC chair)
Christy Moen
Lailah Peel

Christopher Baron
Matthew Newman
Sara O’Rourke
Sanjeet Singh

Directly elected national seats
Andrew Linton
Scott McKinnon

Tom Dale Maclaine
Benjamin J Forrest
Catriona McAleer
Lucas O’Donnell
Scott McGlynn
Hugh Pearson
Sobha Singh
Rhys Taylor



Equality article illustration
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  • break down equality and inclusion bias (CPD-accredited)
  • value difference and inclusivity
  • live our BMA behaviour principles.
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Our meetings

We meet four times a year to discuss issues of key importance to doctors in training.

These meetings are open to members of the SJDC only. Non-voting committee members can also come along and participate as part of the BMA committee visitors' scheme.

Meeting dates for 2023/24:

  • Tuesday 3 October 2023
  • Tuesday 19 December 2023
  • Wednesday 20 March 2024
  • Friday 21 June 2024

All meetings will take place either virtually or at:

BMA Scotland
14 Queen Street
EH2 1LL. 


How to join

There are many advantages to becoming involved in our committees. You can actively influence BMA policy-making and negotiations, represent your colleagues' voices and develop your leadership skills. 

Each committee has a few routes to becoming an elected member. In the case of SJDC, these are: 

Local negotiating committees (LNCJDS/NES LNC)
  • Seats/term - every year, elections for seats on SJDC take place for a one-session term.
  • Timeline - elections are usually held prior to the start of the session.
  • Eligibility - all junior doctors in Scotland who are BMA members and are employed by a lead employer board.

For further information please contact:

Direct elections
  • Seats/term - every year, elections for two national seats on SJDC take place for a one-session term.
  • Timeline - elections are usually held prior to the start of the session.
  • Eligibility - all junior doctors in Scotland who are BMA members and are employed by a lead employer board.

The election section below is kept up to date with details about any running elections, so make sure you keep checking it throughout the year.  

Should you wish to join the committee via LNCJDS and NES LNC, contact your local LNC for further information.




To stand or vote in these elections, you must:

  • be a BMA junior doctor
  • be employed by a lead employer board 
  • have a BMA online account

Direct elections

Online elections for 2 directly elected seats

Nominations and casting your vote

  • Nominations (online) - from 9am on Monday 21 August 2023 to 12am (midnight) on Sunday 3 September 2023 
  • Ballot (online) - 9am on Monday 4 September to
    12am (midnight) on Sunday 10 Sept 2023.

Read our guide on how to use our online system for elections

Take part in the election


Results will be announced shortly after voting closes on the election portal.

If you have any questions about these elections, please email [email protected]. 



Get in touch

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of the SJDC, email us or [email protected].

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