Organisation committee overview

The organisation committee advises on matters affecting the structure, function and representativeness of the BMA.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 February 2025
Voting card article illustration

The organisation committee is responsible for the oversight of the governance, structure and function of the association and has full delegated authority from UK council.

The articles and bye-laws are the rule book of the association.

The articles generally establish the powers and responsibilities of key bodies and members in the BMA. The bye-laws are subsidiary to the articles and generally describe the working methods of bodies and members.


What we do

  • Advise on matters affecting the structure, function and representativeness of the association and to liaise with other association bodies undertaking similar activities.
  • Advise on the constitutions, duties and powers of the association’s meetings, councils, boards, forums and committees, including responsibility for approval of standing orders and to recommend consequential amendments to the articles and bye-laws where appropriate.
  • Advise on the establishment of new committees, their duties and powers and constitutions, and on the disbanding and merging of committees and to recommend consequential amendments to the articles and bye-laws.
  • Advise on the interpretation or alteration of the existing, or the adoption of new, articles and bye-laws.
  • Consider and act on matters relating to divisions and regional councils, including the allocation of grants.

  • Make recommendations on the conferring of the association's awards and honours.

  • Advise council annually on the allocation and distribution of seats on the RB (representative body) including those minority groups to be invited to appoint representatives to the ARM (annual representatives meeting).

  • The award of the association’s gold medal for distinguished merit.


Our people

The voting committee members are elected from the ARM and UK council.

Co-Chairs: Jamshid Khan and Arjan Nagra
Deputy chair: John Hughes


(c) indicates the member is a member of BMA council.

Ex-officio members (without voting rights)

Council chair, Professor Philp Banfield (c).
Chair of the representative body, Latifa Patel (c).
Treasurer, Trevor Pickersgill (c).
Deputy council chair, Emma Runswick (c).

Conference of honorary secretaries 2023-2024 Stephen McAleer

Elected by the representative body

Rachel Ali
Krishan Aggarwal 
John Hughes 
Jamshid Khan (c)
Callum Parr
Callum Patrick Wood

Elected by council
Nyree Jackson (c)
Arjan Singh (c)

The conference of honorary secretaries 2023-2024 deputy chair, Gill Beck as an observer at the request of the honorary secretaries conference.

Award and honours subcommittee members

The awards and honours subcommittee is an associated committee of the organisation committee.

Co-chairs, Jamshid Khan (c), Arjan Nagra (c)

Council chair, Phil Banfield (c)

President, Mary McCarthy

Chair of the representative body, Latifa Patel (c)

Treasurer, Trevor Pickersgill (c)

Council deputy chair, Emma Runswick (c)

John Hughes
Rachel Ali
Callum Parr

Equality Article Illustration
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  • break down equality and inclusion bias (CPD-accredited)
  • value difference and inclusivity
  • live our BMA behaviour principles.
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The committee meets two times a year to consider the latest governance issues affecting the association and approve standing orders. A third meeting may be called by the committee for urgent issues prior to the ARM.

Meeting dates:

  • No meetings currently scheduled.

All meetings take place from 10am to 5pm either virtually or at BMA House.



Election to the organisation committee is closed.


Get in touch

For more information, please email [email protected]

Handshake 01
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