BMA report

Improving immunisation coverage rates across the UK

The BMA strongly supports vaccination programmes as a key intervention for improving population health. Read our view on what action is needed to improve coverage rates.

Location: UK
Audience: Public health doctors Patients and public
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Topics: Population health
Public Health Article Illustration

What you will get from this report

  • An overview of the important role that immunisation against infectious disease has to play in managing preventable disease.
  • A brief outline of current immunisation coverage across the UK and how they have changed in recent years.
  • An understanding of the key measures that need to be introduced to increase immunisation coverage rates.


Our key asks

  • Widening of vaccine availability and target specific populations.
  • Adequate funding to deliver fully resourced immunisation services.
  • Public awareness and understanding of immunisation programmes.
  • Health service technology that supports vaccine uptake.
  • Increased vaccine uptake among NHS workers.
  • Key messages
  • Summary and introduction
  • Declining childhood coverage rates in recent years
  • Flu immunisation
  • Action to improve UK coverage rates
  • References