BMA lobbying

Growing older in the UK: a series of briefings on ageing and health

We explore a range of topics relevant to supporting and improving people’s health and wellbeing as they grow older in the UK.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Topics: Population health
Public Health Article Illustration

What you will get from the briefings

  • Recommendations and actions for policymakers and doctors to take to support the process of healthy ageing.
  • An exploration of how health and social care may be developed to meet the needs of older people in the UK.
  • A look at the impact of long-term conditions, mental health and age stereotype on the treatment of older people.


Key points

  • By 2040 nearly one in four people will be aged 65 or over.
  • 850,000 people were estimated to be living with dementia in the UK by 2015. Services have been criticised for failing to keep pace with referral numbers and a lack of post-diagnostic support.
  • Many of the social determinants that influence the health and wellbeing of older people in later life are amenable to change.
  • Demographic changes have resulted in greater number of older people living longer with more disability and often with two or more long term conditions.
  • Health care professionals and organisations should be aware that older individuals are potentially vulnerable to age prejudice and stereotyping processes.


  • Older people and the social determinants of health
  • Health and social care services that support the needs of older people
  • Older people’s mental health and wellbeing
  • Living with long term conditions
  • The perception of ageing and age discrimination
  • Supporting carers