BMA UK Council by-elections

Find out more about BMA UK Council by-elections.

Location: England
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Ballot box article illustration

North East and West Midlands vacancies

Elections have closed for BMA UK Council - North East region.

As a member of the BMA’s principal executive committee, the successful candidates will play a key role in the implementation of the BMA’s priorities and policies as well as in shaping the voice of the Association and the profession for all our members.

Successful candidates will be one of a total of 69 voting members on BMA UK Council which meets six times a year. The meetings take place at BMA House in London or virtually from 10am to 5pm. Elected candidates will serve the remainder of the 2023-24 session, the 2024-25 and 2025-26 sessions with their term of office ending at the close of Annual Representative Meeting in 2026.


Important information for candidates


By-election results

Voting in the North East and West Midlands regional by-elections to BMA Council closed on Tuesday 13 February 2024. The votes have been counted and verified. View the certified election result of our independent scrutineer Civica Election Services.


By-election timetable

Under trade under law the BMA is required to conduct elections to BMA UK Council by postal vote using a independent electoral scrutineer which for these by-elections is Civica.

  • Monday 4 December – Nominations open
  • Monday 8 January – Nominations close
  • Tuesday 23 January – Voting papers dispatched to members if the election is contested
  • Tuesday 13 February – Deadline for return of completed postal votes
  • Wednesday 14 February - Results announced


Get in touch

If you have any problems completing or submitting the nomination form, please email [email protected]

If you have any questions about BMA UK Council please email [email protected]