UK council elections

The 2022 council elections have concluded. See the full results of those elected as well changes made for these elections and how they were conducted.

Location: UK
Audience: All doctors
Updated: Tuesday 11 February 2025
Ballot box article illustration


The results of the 2022 BMA Council elections have been counted and verified – and 68 members have been elected to represent the profession from June onwards for four years (one vacancy remains, see below).

Our congratulations to those that have been successful – and thanks to the over 220 members that put themselves forward, the highest number of nominees for BMA Council ever.

We are proud to say that the new intake of council members is the most ethnically diverse council in BMA history. Over a third (35%) of those voted in identify as ethnic minority – this compares to 12% for the 2018 intake of council members. 38% of those elected identify as a woman compared to 37.5% of members elected in 2018. With one vacancy remaining in Eastern Region due to insufficient nominations being received to satisfy the gender constraints this figure could rise to 39% in the upcoming by-election to fill this seat. Once the bye-election has run there will be 69 seats filled for BMA Council.

In addition, over a half of the newly elected intake – 55% - are new to BMA Council.

Our thanks also to the wider membership who voted – whilst turnout in 2022 was very similar to 2018 more votes were valid and therefore counted due to a new voting process being introduced for these elections.

For the full list of successful candidates please see below and also read the certified report on the election results produced by Civica, the independent election scrutineer that counted the ballots.

Elected council members 2022 - 2026

Branch of practice

Raanan Gillon

Armed Forces (elected unopposed)
Mark Weir

Jacky Davis 
Tom Dolphin
Lewis Morrison
Vishal Sharma

General practice
Jackie Applebee
Sam Everington
Helen Rachel Salisbury
Richard Vautrey

Resident doctors
Shohaib Ali
Ollie Burton
Siddhant Raja Parashar
Emma Runswick
Poh Jia Wang

Medical students
Rebecca Susan Bates
Corey Briffa
Kayode Oki

Occupational health (elected unopposed)
Raymond Agius

Other (Members in practice but not covered by the other BoPs)
John Chisholm

Public health medicine
Penelope Rebecca Toff

Retired doctors
Wendy Diane Savage

Staff, associate specialists and specialty doctors
Amit Kochhar
Siobhan Quinn


East Midlands
Rebecca Acres
Michael Henley
Peter JP Holden

Ian Martyn Humen
Tom Stocks

Adam Daneshmend
Louis Dowland
Sumi Manirajan
Selvaseelan Selvarajah

North East
Paul Evans
Zoe Greaves
Zain Khan

North West
Anil Jain
David Wrigley
Jennifer Yell

Northern Ireland
Anne Carson
Sara Hedderwick
Alan William Stout

Stuart Blake
Hannah Cagney
Iain Kennedy

South Central
Alex Freeman
Omer Mahmoud Abdel Karim
Anvarjon Mukhammadaminov

South East Coast
Christine (Chrissie) R Clayton
Gaurav Gupta
Reshma Nasreen Syed

South West
Emma Coombe
Susan Gillian Overal
W David Strain

David Bailey
Philip Banfield
Gabrielle Jee

West Midlands
S. Ali
Preethi George Pandeth
Nyree Jackson

Cristina Costache
Vassili Crispi
Joanna May Sutton-Klein


*One vacancy remains in Eastern Region due to insufficient nominations being received to satisfy the gender constraints. A by-election will therefore be held for candidates who identify as women or non-binary. 

Ethnic minority

Shan Hussain
Terry Martin John
Kitty M Mohan
Serge Omanyondo
Arjan Singh

Successful candidates

The newly elected members will serve a four-year term for the sessions 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26.



Watch the video



Who can vote

All doctors and medical students who are current and life members (with fees paid up to date). 


Get support from your constituency

Canvassing is an integral part of an election. When canvassing, you should make sure you:

  • live by BMA behaviours at all times in the election process
  • highlight your strengths and experience
  • don’t make negative comments about rival candidates
  • don’t put pressure on people to vote for you or ask others to do so
  • don’t make promises you can’t keep – you will be held to account in the next round of elections.

Candidates must not use BMA resources to canvass voters, including:

  • BMA listservers
  • BMA social media accounts
  • BMA email addresses
  • BMA staff resource.

While canvassing through personal social media accounts and emails is allowed, you must ensure that any communication does not breach any policies of any organisation, forum or group. Your communication must also comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).

If you’re not sure what is acceptable, ask for advice from your committee secretary or the elections team.


A new election model

We have listened to your feedback to make the voting process simpler and also want to ensure that all members have a fair opportunity to stand for election. We are introducing important changes approved by the BMA representative body at the ARM 2021:

  • single grid ballot paper - we've implemented a much clearer and streamlined process
  • stronger representation at regional level - UK-wide seats have been replaced with seats for our devolved nations and English regions
  • fairer representation from ethnic minorities - we've introduced five ethnic minority seats to ensure that our structure reflects the diversity within the medical workforce and student body
  • gender constraints have been reinforced - to ensure representational equality for all genders across the constituencies
  • better representation model for medical students - meeting their rapidly changing needs.

UK council composition and eligibility criteria

With the changes we have recently implemented, the number of UK council voting members has been increased to 69 (at the point of election). 

Voting members are elected according to the following categories:

  • geographical constituency 
  • branch of practice 
  • ethnic minority.

A gender maxima constraint has been applied to larger constituencies so that not all members elected are of the same gender.

All members are bound by the BMA code of conduct.

Read below how seats are distributed across these categories:

Geographical constituency (40 seats)

Your geographical zone is your region/nation. It is determined by the division you are listed under at the time nominations open.

English regions:

  • Eastern
  • East Midlands
  • North East
  • North West
  • South Central
  • South East coast
  • South West
  • West Midlands
  • Yorkshire

Each region has 3 seats, of which no more than 2 are of the same gender. 

  • London - 4 seats, of which no more than 3 of the same gender.


  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Northern Ireland

Each nation has 3 seats, of which no more than 2 are of the same gender.

Branch of practice (24 seats)

This is determined by the category of medical work in which, at the time the nominations open, you spend the majority of your remunerated medical time (except for medical students and retired members).

  • Academics - 1 seat
  • Armed forces - 1 seat
  • Consultants - 4 seats, of which no more than 3 are of the same gender
  • General practice - 4 seats, of which no more than 3 are of the same gender
  • Resident doctors - 5 seats, of which no more than 3 are of the same gender
  • Medical students - 3 seats, of which no more than 2 are of the same gender
  • Occupational medicine - 1 seat
  • Public health medicine - 1 seat
  • Retired doctors - 1 seat
  • SAS doctors - 2 seats
Ethnic minority (5 seats)

To stand in this election, you must be a BMA member and self-identify as Black, Asian and minority ethnic.


To stand in this election, you must be a BMA member in one of the constituencies and branches of practice listed above.


Get in touch

If you have any questions about UK council or the elections, please email [email protected]