Working with Westminster

The BMA regularly represents the views of doctors and their patients in Parliament. We issue briefings to MPs and peers, influence consultations and inquiries, and seek members’ views to influence legislation.

Location: England UK
Audience: All doctors Patients and public
Updated: Friday 28 June 2024
Podium article illustration

Current priorities

BMA letter to Conservative Party leadership candidates

BMA council chair Phil Banfield wrote to Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss asking for a commitment from the future Prime Minister to take urgent action and address pay restoration, punitive pension taxation rules, and the workforce crisis.

Read the letter

Health and social care reform

The Government has passed the Health and Care Act 2022 which proposes health reforms in England. 

We actively lobbied policy makers through direct meetings, consultation responses, parliamentary briefings and media work to ensure the Bill and consequent Act, addressed our concerns.

Read the overview of the Act


Other lobbying activities

The BMA ensures your voice is heard in Westminster. We regularly represent the views of doctors and their patients in Parliament.

This includes:

  • issuing briefings to MPs and peers on subjects relevant to the medical profession
  • providing written and oral evidence to select committees and inquiries
  • seeking BMA members' views to help us influence consultations and inquiries in Westminster, with the ultimate aim to influence legislation.