BMA specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors conference 2025

Online event or Join in person at
BMA House Tavistock Square London WC1H 9JP

The SAS conference is an opportunity for nominated representatives to network with fellow colleagues, debate key issues and listen to expert speakers. It is also the main SAS policy setting event for the year ahead, with motions taken forward to the annual representative meeting, which plays a crucial role in the BMA's work.

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How to book a place

If you are interested in attending the conference, please contact your regional SAS committee by 21 February 2025.

Who can attend?

Each regional and national SASC is permitted to nominate five representatives to attend the conference. We also encourage two deputies to be nominated should one of the five nominated representatives be unable to attend.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please contact your regional SAS committee by 21 February 2025.

All nominated representatives will be emailed a registration form by BMA conferences to book their place at the conference. Once you have received this, please submit your completed form online as soon as possible to confirm your attendance.


Teach-in for first time representatives

For those new to the SAS conference, an online ‘teach-in’ will provide you with an introduction to conference procedures and an opportunity to ask questions.


Breakfast meeting

An optional breakfast meeting will take place and representatives can indicate their attendance on the registration form.


SAS conference dinner (optional)

An informal conference dinner will be held the night before the conference, on Monday 19 May 2025 at BMA House. This is an opportunity to meet and network with colleagues in a more informal environment, prior to the conference.

A refundable deposit payment of £35.00 is required: this can be claimed back with your expenses following the conference. Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to attend the dinner.


Accommodation and expenses

Once you have registered to attend the conference, we advise that you book your accommodation and travel as soon as possible.

Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed for representatives, as well as the cost of the conference dinner. All expenses should be claimed through Concur. More information on how to claim your expenses through Concur will be included in the conference joining instructions sent to you once your place is confirmed.


Organiser details

BMA conferences
