The conference is free of charge to attend for current BMA consultant members only.
This has been a monumental 12 months for consultants across the UK. After unprecedented industrial action and campaigning, months of protracted negotiations, and weeks of voting by BMA members, in May 2024 consultants in England accepted the Government’s offer, on pay and reform to the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Pay Review Body. In August, Northern Ireland, consultants accepted a pay offer from the Department of Health after members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the deal. Consultants in Wales accepted the Welsh Government’s pay offer at the end of June, and consultants in Scotland accepted a pay offer from their government in November.
While this has represented significant strides forward in restoring the value of consultant pay, the fight is far from over, and we are now working to ensure that all the pay deals are being implemented. This conference is a crucial platform to shape our strategy and determine our future actions. Your voice and input are essential and your attendance, motion submission and participation on the day are so important.
Format of the conference
This year’s conference is a hybrid event, and you can select whether to attend in person at BMA house or online. The format of the conference will include a series of motion debates and a selection of workshops.
A drop-in session will be arranged for those who have not previously attended to ensure that you are familiar with the format for debate.
Who can attend?
The conference is open to any UK consultant who is a member of the BMA.
Each NHS Trust or Board Medical Staff Committee or equivalent (or, where an MSC is not active, the relevant Local Negotiating Committee) is entitled to send one elected consultant representative. All members of the UK Consultants Committee, or their deputies, are also eligible to attend. After Tuesday 7 January 2025, any remaining places will be allocated to any consultant member of the BMA who wishes to attend, regardless of whether a representative from their organisation has already been appointed.
Motions for debate
Motions for debate must be submitted in advance and can be submitted via MSCs (or LNCs if no MSC), regional and national consultants committees and the UK consultants committee, its subcommittees and the specialty leads. The deadline for submission of motions is noon on Monday 20 January 2025.
Members are encouraged to use the BMA’s motions guidance service, which offers support to anyone writing or considering writing a motion to the conference. The service can advise whether the BMA already has similar policy in your chosen area, provide you with sources for facts and figures to support your argument, signpost you to further guidance on the topic and provide guidance on the form BMA motions should take. A dedicated webpage has been set up which offers guidance on writing motions in several formats or for more personal advice you can email: [email protected]
Medical Associate Professionals
This workshop will cover the increasing presence of MAPs (medical associate professions) in the NHS.
Tackling sexism in the workplace
This workshop will discuss how consultants can act as allies to tackle the sexism present in medical careers.
NHS 10 year plan (England)
This workshop will cover the developments around the new 10 year health plan for the NHS.
NHS gender identity services
This workshop will cover a broad update on NHS gender identity services.
Consultant Charter
This workshop will provide an overview to the newly refreshed Consultant Charter which includes the standards you, as NHS consultants, should expect your employers to meet and help identify where they are falling short.
Job planning
This workshop will cover the difference aspects of job planning, including how the process should work, what the job plan should contain and other keys points that you should be aware of.
Care facilities
Care facilities for children and adult dependants are available for those who request them by Tuesday 4 February 2025. If you would like further information on care facilities, please indicate this on the registration form.
Informal reception
For those attending in person, an informal networking reception will take place directly after the conference at BMA House. There will be no formal conference dinner.
For those attending in person, the BMA will meet your travel expenses in line with our reimbursement policy and limits.