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BMA London - Scrap the cap

We want to bring an end to the medical rate cap and secure fair pay for all grades of doctors undertaking extra work in the capital. Together, we can make a difference.

About our campaign

Join the fight for fair pay by committing to our collective power. Up to now, over 1,000 doctors have signed up to our pledge.

By signing, you agree to withhold extra work if escalation becomes necessary. Your name will remain confidential unless we move forward with action, ensuring your safety in numbers.

Our Goal

To force employers to scrap the medical rate cap and significantly increase the rates for all grades of doctors across London.

Our Leverage

By uniting as one, we hold the power to collectively withdraw from paid extra work beyond our contracts. Together, we can apply the pressure needed to negotiate meaningful pay increases across all specialties and grades.

Our opening negotiating position is provided below, and has been informed by your views through our membership survey. We believe it represents a reasonable reflection of your true value.

Grade Weekdays 9am-5pm Weekdays 5pm-9am Weekends and holidays
Weekends and holidays
FY1 £64 £70 £70 £90
FY2 £74 £85 £85 £100
ST1-2/CT1-2 £85 £95 £95 £125
ST3-5 £96 £110 £110 £150
ST6-8 £106 £140 £140 £170
Supervised SAS doctors £130 £160 £160 £200
Consultants, GPs, autonomous SAS doctors, post-CCT fellows £210 £260 £260 £320

Further to the above rates, our opening position includes 80% of the appropriate rate above for periods of availability during non-resident on-call (NROC) shifts, and 100% of the appropriate rate above for periods of work undertaken during NROC shifts. 

It is important to note that these rates presented are solely our opening negotiating position, and nothing else at this stage. We share this information as this is your campaign, your negotiations, and your union.


How you can get involved

We’ve done this before, both nationally and at local London hospitals, with great outcomes. Let’s do it again across the capital. 

Now is the time to Act 

  • Sign the Pledge – Complete the form today.
  • Start Preparing – Save money now in case we need to withhold extra work for a period of time.
  • Spread the Word – Encourage your colleagues to sign the pledge too.
  • Get Involved – Register as an Active Member Sign Up to support the campaign where you work.

Rest assured, the names of doctors who sign up to the pledge will not be disclosed unless and until:

  • we secure sufficient numbers of doctors signing up where you work to provide safety in numbers, and
  • we feel the need to escalate the campaign into a dispute and call upon doctors to cease their extra hours of work.

Campaign materials

You can order "London - Scrap the Cap" lanyards, badges and pens by visiting our BMA reps support page.


Your BMA London negotiating team

Your BMA London negotiating team, as appointed by your LNC chairs and regional committee leaders, comprises of: 

  • Dr Tom Dolphin, Consultant
  • Dr Kevin O’Kane, Consultant
  • Dr Imran Sharieff, SAS Doctor
  • Dr Dapo Konu, SAS Doctor
  • Dr Shivam Sharma, Resident Doctor
  • Dr Nicholas Pitto, Resident Doctor
  • Dr Callum Parr, Resident Doctor
  • Mr James Steen, Head of BMA London


What's next?

Now is the time to get active, start talking to your colleagues about this campaign and the pledge, and sign up to get more involved where you work! 

Your BMA LNC Chairs and regional committee leaders will meet again in late January to assess the campaign’s progress and decide next steps, including whether we’re ready and need to escalate at that time. 


Get in touch

To contact us for more information, or to share your thoughts, email James Steen, Head of BMA London.


This is your campaign. Your negotiations. Your union. Let’s achieve fair pay for all doctors in London.