Woman Smiling At Event V2 A019152 8 10000 Min Woman Smiling At Event V2 A019152 8 10000 Min

Organise Recruit Empower - Supporting BMA reps

A network of over two thousand BMA reps fighting for medical students, doctors, and the NHS. This page provides BMA reps with materials and resources; support in the workplace, and updates on our latest campaigns.

BMA materials and resources

As a BMA rep, you can order BMA materials and freebies to help support you:

  • Promote BMA membership and support services at events
  • Refresh noticeboards at your workplace with up-to-date BMA materials
  • Support local BMA campaigns
  • Support national BMA campaigns
  • Advise colleagues on the benefits of joining the BMA


How to order

  1. Use the form below to order your items. 
  2. Add the quantity in the box below item(s) you require
  3. Fill in your details
  4. Click on submit
  5. Postage normally takes 3 to 5 days. If you would prefer to download and print your own materials please see the ‘Resource downloads’ section on this page.

Your support network

BMA regional officers

You will be assigned an BMA regional officer in your area who will have an initial support interview with you, to support you in your role and signpost you to invaluable resources that will help you as a BMA representative. Your BMA regional officer is your point of contact if there are issues at your trust and affecting more than one person.

For individual issues you can:

Membership Development Manager

You will be assigned a Membership Development Manager in your area who will support you with event arrangements. This will include attending the event with you, supplying BMA materials, refreshments and advertising.

Louise Cox
[email protected]

MIDLANDS (West Midlands)
Lianne Denton
[email protected]

MIDLANDS - (East Midlands)
James Pell
[email protected]

Kirsty Rhodes
[email protected]

LONDON -(North Central & North East London)
Tim Combley 
[email protected]

LONDON - (North West, South East and South West London)
Daniel Tyler
[email protected]

John Hayward
[email protected]

Hazel Brittan
[email protected]

Claire Mitchell
[email protected]






Branch of practice List Servers
  • Keep up to date with information effecting your branch of practice regionally and nationally.
  • Ask questions and exchange information relating to issues that affect doctors.
  • See when meetings take place.
  • Get fully involved in the projects that your branch of practice is working on.
Get involved with your LNC

Represent and negotiate on behalf of doctors in your area. Find out how to get involved.

Find my local rep

LNC Chairs are the local face of the BMA helping members with HR matters. This includes ensuring adherence to locally agreed policies such as locum and acting down rates, clinical excellence awards and job plans. LNC chairs also address concerns related to industrial action.

In addition, they are equipped to guide members towards other forms of BMA support. This includes connecting them with BMA regional officers and directing them to the FPC for individualised advice.


Support in your workplace

Run a campaign on a specific issue

If you have a specific issue you'd like support with, you can email your BMA Regional Officer contact.

Prepare for an event

If you have an event, email your Membership Development Manager for support or order material using the BMA rep catalogue.

Workplace materials

The BMA rep catalogue has a range of materials to support you and your colleagues through a variety of issues.

Join our local campaigns

BMA London’s Scrap the Cap Campaign

Now’s the time for you to get involved by forcing employers to scrap the medical rate cap for the extra work you do, and significantly increase doctors' rates for all grades across London.

Acting together, if needed we can collectively withdraw the paid work that we do beyond our contract by refusing to do extra sessions/shifts. This will pressure employers to negotiate properly and offer meaningful increases for all specialties and grades.

We’re calling on all doctors in London to sign up to our pledge to withhold extra work if escalation is needed to secure fair rates of pay you all deserve.

  • Start saving up now - if we do chose to collectively withdraw from extra work, there might be several months to come where you do no additional session.
  • Encourage your friends and colleagues to sign up to our pledge too!

Now is the time to get organised and active, start talking to your colleagues about this campaign and the pledge, and sign up to get more involved where you work!


BMA LNC win for LED and Specialty doctors at UHCW

Following a strong campaign and two claims submitted by the BMA LNC on behalf of its members at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, we have welcomed an agreement with the Trust to develop frameworks for:

  • Long-term LEDs working under terms similar to Resident (formerly Junior) Doctor contracts to be offered Specialty Doctor contracts. Many of our members met the Specialty Doctor requirements but were stuck on LED contracts for years.
  • Specialty Doctors who believe they meet the Generic Capability Framework (GCF) and other criteria to transition to the Specialist Doctor grade. The Trust claimed there was no need for Specialist Doctors, but in reality, many of our members are already doing the work.

We’ll hold regular working group meetings with management to keep things moving forward, and we’ll keep members updated on our progress.

We also extend our thanks to the BMA LNC Representatives and the LED and Specialty Doctors at UHCW for their unity and determination, which made this agreement possible.



Why become a rep?

If you're still unsure, here are some great reasons why you should take the chance:

  • An opportunity to make positive change to the lives of your colleagues
  • Help to build a strong union
  • Influence policy and working conditions locally, regionally, and nationally
  • Become a workplace leader and develop your leadership skills
  • Receive certified training
  • Access support and resources from a network of experts
  • Get your voice heard via BMA campaigns

Download further BMA reps and activist network information 

Download our resident doctor representative information sheet.

Contact your BMA regional officer to apply to become a BMA rep.

Your learning hub

Below is the training for BMA representatives who want to be involved on the Local Negotiating Committee (LNC) and the Joint Local Negotiating Committee (JLNC). The training offers insights into how to run meetings, negotiating with others and be an effective representative.

Face to face training for reps in England

There is also a requirement for you to attend a face to face training session. We are currently refreshing our face to face training package for BMA LNC representatives. Training dates in all regions will be scheduled towards the latter part of 2024.

As an accredited BMA representative, you are entitled to paid time off from your employer to attend this training. This is provided you have given the necessary six weeks’ notice.


Campaign template resources and campaign guides

Run an event promoting the LNC (For LNC reps)

Please contact your BMA regional officer or membership development manager to help organise a meeting to bring doctors together to highlight and discuss local issues.

Download the LNC survey form.


Resident doctors wellbeing campaign

The BMA has five priorities for improving wellbeing in the workplace. Learn more about how you can support your own, and your fellow colleagues' wellbeing, with downloadable support packs, posters and social graphics from the BMA.