The SAS doctor pay campaign in Wales
During our pay negotiations in August 2023 for the 2023/24 pay year, the final offer made by the Welsh Government was to uplift pay for those on the 2008 SAS contract by just 5% and for those on the 2021 contract by 1.5%. We firmly rejected this offer and with no other offer on the table, moved to ballot you for industrial action.
The ballot closed on 4 March, and you voted in favour of taking industrial action. We announced a 48-hour strike alongside consultants which was due to start on 16 April 2024.
As a result of sustained pressure from three rounds of strike action by resident doctors and the looming action from senior doctors, we were invited alongside our colleagues from the resident doctor and consultant committees in Wales to enter into pay talks. We called off our April strike action to allow the time and space for negotiations to take place.
An improved pay offer for 2023/24
Following intense negotiations with the Welsh Government, we were pleased to have reached a final offer from the Welsh Government that we recommended you accept.
This pay deal provided uplifts for 2021 contract specialists, 2021 specialty doctors and associate specialists, as well as providing a permanent right to transfer to the 2021 specialty doctor contract and crucial improvements to the terms and conditions.
In addition to the reforms secured by our colleagues in the UK consultants committee, as part of our negotiations we achieved reforms to the DDRB process in Wales which ensure the actions of the Welsh Government keep pace with the wider reforms to the DDRB terms of reference enacted by UK Government.
A referendum of members was held between 12 June and 26 June. SAS doctors in Wales have delivered a clear YES vote, with 82% voting to accept the offer (turnout 56%). The Welsh SAS committee confirmed our acceptance of the offer for the 2023/24 pay year, bringing the ongoing pay dispute to an end.
What's next in the pay campaign
For the 2024/25 pay year, the Welsh Government announced its acceptance of the pay review body’s (DDRB) recommendations on pay. This means that SAS doctors in Wales pay will increase by 6% for the 2024/25 pay year. Full details of the pay award for 2024/25 can be found in the pay circular.
This pay award is above the forecast RPI inflation figure for the year and will therefore continue to restore our pay. In the survey which followed the pay award, you told us you were broadly satisfied with this pay award. We therefore feel the time is right to bank this pay uplift for SAS doctors in Wales and having secured changes to how the pay review body (DDRB) operates, have once again contributed evidence to the DDRB for the 2025/26 pay year.
We remain committed to restoring SAS doctor pay and remain willing to calling for further action if future pay recommendations and subsequent pay awards by Welsh Government do not move us towards this.

BMA strike fund - donate now
A strike fund is available to subsidise members in serious financial difficulty who otherwise couldn’t afford to take part in any future rounds of strike action.
The strike fund is supported through voluntary donations to make available to doctors in need.
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