SAS Doctors guide to strike action in Wales

Taking part

Updated: Friday 5 April 2024

Working out if you can take part

Check your contract

In a pay dispute with the NHS in Wales, you need a contract with an NHS employer in Wales to be able to take action.

The following are not included in the ballot and will not be asked to take industrial action:

  • Those with honorary contracts with an NHS employer
  • Those who aren’t on a medical SAS contract
  • Those who are not employed by an NHS employer. For example, you cannot take industrial action against any non-NHS employer, such as a university.

Check your role

Take a look at our list below to find if you can take part in industrial action as part of the pay dispute between the NHS and SAS doctors in Wales.

2021 specialty doctor TCS (terms and conditions of service)

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer.

2021 specialist doctor TCS

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer.

2008 specialty doctor TCS

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer.

2008 associate specialists TCS

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer.

One of the pre-2008 TCS (1996 associate specialist doctors, 1999 staff grade, clinical assistant, hospital practitioner etc)

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer.

Locally employed doctors (LEDs)

You can participate in the ballot and any subsequent action provided your contract is with an NHS employer and mirrors the national SAS terms and conditions of service. If you are a LED with a contract which mirrors the SAS TCS your pay code would usually start with MC, MH, MD or ME.

On our membership system these LEDs are classified as Clinical Fellow (SAS), Non Std Car.Gde - Inc Trust Dr, Senior Clinical Fellow (SAS) and Trust Grade (SAS).

Please contact us if you aren’t sure whether you are eligible to participate in the SAS ballot or any subsequent action.

Those holding only an honorary contract with an NHS employer

You cannot take part in industrial action if you are employed by an alternative organisation with only an honorary contract with an NHS employer.

Those working solely for a non-NHS employer

As this is a dispute with the NHS in Wales, you must hold a contract with an NHS employer to participate. This means if your contact is solely with a non-NHS employer such as an agency, hospice or university we are not calling on you to take strike action.

SAS Dentists

A small group of SAS dentists (with a GMC number) may have BMA membership, and they will be eligible to participate in our ballot. It is important to note, however, that many dentists are represented by the British Dental Association, who are running their own ballot.

Locum consultants

You cannot take part in the ballot of SAS doctors, or any subsequent industrial action taken by SAS doctors if you are a locum consultant.  We are however, also balloting consultants in Wales on whether to take industrial action over pay and therefore you would be eligible to participate in that ballot. Please contact us ensure to you have received the appropriate ballot for your circumstance. 

DMS (defence medical services)

You cannot take part in this industrial action if you are a regular in the armed forces as you are prohibited from doing so under King’s Regulations.

You can take action if you are a reservist and the action falls during time in which you are contracted to deliver NHS services for your civilian employer. This is because you are not precluded from taking industrial action against your civilian NHS employer.

Non-BMA members

You do not have to be a member of a trade union to take part in industrial action, though you will not benefit from any support or protection from the BMA. If you are a member of another union but are not a member of the BMA, you cannot take action unless that union also successfully balloted to strike. Become a BMA member now.

Still have questions?

If you can't find the information you need in this guide, send us your questions and we will add the answers to these pages.

Or contact BMA via our employment advice form if you have a question about your personal circumstances.