Whilst not essential it may sometimes be useful have data to support your claim that you are working in excess of contracted hours. Most clinical systems record a logging in and off time, which can be used to provide an accurate account of the number of hours being completed.
GP Diary app
You can use the the BMA’s GP Diary app to help with your monitoring. This may be useful for for a job plan review. You can use our GP Diary app to:
- Log worked hours and types of activity within them
- Compare mutually agreed job plans against the reality of your working day
- Enable your employer to see which types of work have resulted in you having to undertake overtime
If there are certain types of work or specific tasks that regularly take you into overtime, we suggest using the letter in this toolkit to request an job plan review and discuss prioritisation of workload with your employer. This is to reduce your workload to a reasonable level which enables you to work within your contracted hours.
In the rare occasions where, data from clinical systems is not sufficient to evidence worked hours, a minimum monitoring period of 2 weeks carried out by the salaried GP is recommended. However, if the monitoring is to serve as basis for negotiations for long term changes to your job plan or prioritisation, you may need to agree a slightly longer monitoring period with your employer which would be more representative.
More information on job planning can be found in the salaried GP handbook or on our job planning for guidance.
We also offer a job planning Online course.