Committee information
Committee policies and expenses
As an elected or appointed member, or representative of the BMA, you are expected to follow the guidelines in place to protect you and the organisation. Familiarise yourself with the policies here.
Taking part in a BMA committee
Resources for both new and experienced committee members, and advice for those thinking about joining a BMA committee.
Committee elections
The BMA uses an online system for committee and conference elections. Find out how to vote, nominate yourself as a candidate, and see current and upcoming elections.
Care support for BMA activities
We provide a range of care facilities to allow committee and board members to fully participate in BMA activities.
Committee visitors scheme
Committee visitors can attend meetings and learn more about how committees discuss and influence decisions that affect the medical profession. For many, it's a chance to experience the process before deciding to stand as an elected representative.
Committee mentoring programme
The BMA committee mentoring programme provides guidance and support to new committee members, helping them to navigate BMA processes and fulfil their responsibilities.
Committee speak up guardian service
The speak up guardian is an independent and objective person who committee members can contact to raise concerns that they may feel unable to raise by other routes.
Copyright Infringement
Copyright infringement template documents for BMA and other Trade Union members.
Training for committee members
BMA leadership programmes
The BMA leadership programmes are free, CPD-accredited courses that equip elected members with the skills and confidence needed to effectively lead others.
Culture and inclusion courses for elected members
Become a better leader through valuing difference and creating an inclusive culture via our free learning courses.
Effective influencing at the BMA
This e-learning module has been designed to support BMA elected members in their roles.
BMA chair and deputy chair training
This programme is open to all chairs, co-chairs and deputy chairs of BMA committees and councils.
Armed forces committee
Armed forces committee overview
The AFC (armed forces committee) represents the interests of all BMA member doctors in the armed forces.
Consultants committee
Consultants committee UK overview
The consultants committee is the only body that represents all consultants in the UK. Find out more about our priorities, membership and annual conference.
Northern Ireland consultants committee
The Northern Ireland consultants committee represents all consultants working in Northern Ireland. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and membership.
Regional consultants committees
Regional consultants committees (RCCs) provide representation for consultants in England. Find contact details and meeting dates for your nearest RCC.
Scottish consultants committee
The Scottish consultants committee represents all consultants working in Scotland. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and membership.
Welsh consultants committee
The Welsh consultants committee represents all consultants working in Wales. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and membership.
Forensic and secure environments committee
Forensic and secure environments committee overview
The FSEC (forensic and secure environments committee) provides a UK-wide voice on issues affecting doctors working in secure environments and those involved in the medical examiner, cremation and coronial system.
General practitioners committee
General practitioners committee UK overview
The GPC (general practitioners committee) is the only body which represents all GPs in the UK. It deals with all matters affecting NHS GPs, regardless of BMA membership.
England general practitioners committee
GPC England is the representative body for GPs in England. Find out more about our meetings, members and priorities.
Northern Ireland general practitioners committee
The Northern Ireland general practitioners committee (NIGPC) represents all general practitioners working in Northern Ireland. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Scottish general practitioners committee
The Scottish GPC (general practitioners committee) represents all general practitioners working in Scotland. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and members.
Welsh general practitioners committee
GPC (general practitioners committee) Wales represents all general practitioners working in Wales. Find out more about our priorities, meetings and members.
GP registrars committee
The GP registrars committee is part of the GPC (general practitioners committee). We provide national representation for all doctors on a GP training programme.
Sessional GPs committee
The sessional GPs committee is part of the GPC (GPs committee). We provide national representation for all salaried and locum GPs.
International committee
International committee overview
The international committee explores European, international and immigration issues of interest to the medical profession and makes policy recommendations.
Junior members forum
Junior members forum
The JMF is a BMA conference dedicated to giving junior members the chance to be heard on the issues that are important to you.
Medical academic staff committee
Medical academic staff committee overview
The MASC (medical academic staff committee) represents all medically qualified teachers and research workers. Find out more about our meetings, membership and priorities.
Northern Ireland medical academic staff committee
The NIMASC (Northern Ireland medical academic staff committee) represents all medically qualified teachers and research workers in Northern Ireland. Find out more.
Joint academic trainees subcommittee
The JATS (joint academic trainees subcommittee) represents academic trainees on behalf of both the medical academic staff committee (MASC) and the resident doctors committee (RDC).
Women in academic medicine
The WAM (women in academic medicine) group was established to celebrate and promote the role of women in academic medicine. Find out more about our priorities and members.
Role models of women in academic medicine
Take a closer look at 15 role model doctors who shared their experiences of what it is like to be a woman in academic medicine.
Medical ethics committee
Medical ethics committee overview
The MEC (medical ethics committee) debates ethical issues on the relationship between the medical profession, the public and the state.
Medical students committee
Medical students committee overview
The MSC (medical students committee) represents medical students in the UK. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Northern Ireland medical students committee
The NIMSC represents all medical students in Northern Ireland. Find out more about our priorities, members, meetings and ways to get involved.
Scottish medical students committee
The SMSC (Scottish medical students committee) represents and acts on issues relevant to medical students in Scotland. Find out more about our priorities, members and meetings.
Welsh medical students committee
The WMSC (Welsh medical students committee) covers all matters of importance to medical students in Wales and acts on their behalf. Find out more about our priorities, members and meetings.
Medico legal committee
Medico legal committee overview
The MLC (medico-legal committee) is responsible for advising the BMA on legal matters affecting doctors working as expert witnesses.
Occupational medicine committee
Occupational medicine committee overview
The OMC (occupational medicine committee) represents doctors who are actively engaged in occupational medicine, working both inside and outside the NHS.
Organisation committee
Organisation committee overview
The organisation committee advises on matters affecting the structure, function and representativeness of the BMA.
Patient liaison group
Patient liaison group
The PLG (patient liaison group) acts as an informed patient view on matters of interest to the medical profession and to patients.
Pensions committee
Pensions committee overview
The pension committee represents doctors in the UK. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Private practice committee
Private practice committee overview
The PPC (private practice committee) represents all health professionals working in private and consulting practice. Find out more about our meetings, membership and priorities.
Professional fees committee
Professional fees committee overview
The PFC (professional fees committee) consults and negotiates fees on behalf of doctors on a range of additional work that falls outside their NHS contracts.
Professional regulation committee
Professional regulation committee
The PRC (professional regulation committee) considers and reports on matters relating to professional regulation for doctors and medical students.
Public health medicine committee
Public health medicine committee overview
The PHMC (public health medicine committee) meets to discuss all matters affecting public health medicine and public health physicians in the UK.
Northern Ireland public health medicine committee
The NIPHMC reports to the UK public health medicine committee on matters concerning Northern Ireland. Find out more about our priorities, members and meetings.
Welsh committee for public health medicine
The WCPHM (Welsh committee for public health medicine) reports to the UK public health medicine committee on matters concerning Wales.
Retired members committee
Retired members committee overview
The RMC (retired members committee) represents retired BMA members from all branches of practice. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Resident doctors committee
Resident doctors committee UK overview
The resident doctors committee (RDC) are dedicated to working on the key issues and challenges facing all resident doctors. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Northern Ireland resident doctors committee
The Northern Ireland resident doctors committee represents and gathers the opinions of resident doctors in Northern Ireland. Find out more about our members, priorities and meetings.
Regional resident doctor committees
RRDC (regional resident doctor committees) represent resident doctors locally, regionally and nationally. Find out how to get involved in your local committee.
Scottish resident doctors committee
The SRDC (Scottish resident doctors committee) represents and gathers the opinions of resident doctors in Scotland. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
Welsh resident doctors committee (WRDC)
The WRDC (Welsh resident doctors committee) represents and gathers the opinions of resident doctors in Wales. Find out more about our members, meetings and priorities.
LTFT training forum
The LTFT training forum advises RDC and its subcommittees on matters relating to less than full time training. Find out more about our priorities, conference and getting in touch.
Specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors committee
SAS committee UK overview
The SASC (specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors committee) represents SAS doctors across the UK. Its priorities include SAS development, and recognition and autonomy, with policy set at the annual SAS doctors conference.
The Northern Ireland SAS committee represents specialists, associate specialists and specialty doctors working in Northern Ireland, and handles issues including contracts, the SAS charter and SAS career, development and training.
Regional SAS committees
Regional SAS committees represent specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors on a local basis across England. Get in touch to join a regional meeting and speak up on the issues that affect you.
Scotland SAS committee
The Scotland SAS committee represents specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors working in Scotland. Find out about the committee’s priorities, members, meetings and how to get involved.
Wales SAS committee
The Wales SAS committee represents specialist, associate specialist and specialty doctors working in the NHS in Wales, and includes representatives from each health board. Find out about our priorities, voting members, and how to get in touch.